This is MaGravs 3, used in a Biphasic system where the phases can be 127V, 220V or 380V
The maximum input amperage can not exceed 20A per phase
Unofficial online student and knowledge seeker with connect to Mrs Carolina and Mr Farhad Amini. Also researcher about new methods and the contact between the plasma knowledge and Iranian traditions.
Being miles from our homeland India, my husband and I were finding our family complete through the two little lives Happy and Cutie (our pet puppies). The innocent and serene cuteness they spread was adding colors to our lives and suddenly one day we found our Cutie falling victim of Parvo Viral Infection.
The nice people at Tettey Vet Palace was doing everything possible to save her life as she was vomiting blood and passed bloody diarrhea. She was put on infusion and antibiotics for 5 days.
And on the third day we met this lady at the Hospital with a pleasent smile and ready to help us. In no time I realised that she is a saviour as she gave me the magical gans of solutions to be given to Cutie along with the hospital treatment.
I followed her instructions to the "T", and the very next day Cutie was showing amazing change. She started responding to us and on the fifth day of treatment she started taking food orally. Her poop became normal and she was back to life. The same treatment was repeated with Happy as well. And today they are back to normal with their ever spreading cuteness.
We personally are thankful to Carolina De Roose and Keshe Foundation for the change they have made in our life.
Amazing liquid plasma helped me when I injured myself at the gym; I had serious back and shoulder pain and I just could not move. I think I damaged bone and muscle tissue of my back. I think nerves too!!
(( So I mixed in on patch CO2 / CH3/ CUO2 / ZN/ Calcium egg shell plasma and Amino acids from CO2 /CUO2/ CH3/ liquid plasma clean water NO MASS water in patches only is more than good enough! And I made weaker second patch with CO2/ZN only for FIELD flow between them.
I put one patch on my back and other weaker patch on my chest and I went sleep for 8 hours and wake up totally blessed pain gone muscle tissues repaired, feel happy and amazed!
You can heal serious injuries within few days time! Remember take your patches off from time to time, and spray yourself with CO2 and ZN liquid plasma to purify body fields))
Thank you Keshe Foundation we love you!!!
CO2 liquid plasma for skin cuts and skin pigments and pain works incredible good! Remember different pains different liquid plasma but everything can be done!
Amazing pain relief for skin cuts skin pigments and pain with Zinc and Co2 liquid plasma.
Much love to Keshe Foundation!
PLASMIAFY YOUR LIFE!!! Having been surrounded by and using GANS & nano coated copper health pens & coils for over a year, I am seeing restoration from a serious (I believe b!0-w@rf@re type organisms) condition I experienced last year. Including patches of hair growing back that I lost during that condition & cleansing from scars. So grateful for the Keshe Foundation plasma technology.
The 152nd Knowledge Seekers session this week is about cellular restoration. I encourage everyone to get this stuff in your lives. I will continue to travel, teach & bring forward learning tools and shows online. WATCH the 152nd on cellular regeneration - learn & grow with us - vital tools for planetary change!!!
Watch the 152nd KSW: YouTube
Source: Facebook
I can not breath healthy since I was three four years old.
Because of an accident I got surgery from my neck and my cartilages taken out.
I could breath short time healthy breathing then the hole started to get narrow again because the
tissue inside of nose started to grow. Its called nose meat in public language. So I kept carry on
unhealthy breathing.
There were a solution for my breathing using what its called "unit tapes", I use these tapes when I was sleeping night its expensive and cause irritation top layer of nose skin.
I thought myself if nose meat happens because of unbalanced frequency, so if I use co2 spray to this area it should recover itself. So I took of the bottle for nose spray and put in this bottle co2. I use it for 20 days, from the day one I started to breath relaxed (without any effort) it was like percent of breathing and it improved every days now its % 60 70 percent. I have never ever before had 0 percent breathing).
And its days and night is same. I am so relaxed.
I suggest you to use this technique may be you include in your product list.
Ein Freund verbrannte sich den Handrücken mit brodelnder Butter. Die Ärzte im Krankenhaus befürchteten, daß aufgrund der Schwere der Verbrennung evtl. sogar eine Hautverpflanzung nötig wäre.
Der Freund bat mich um Hilfe und ich gab ihm CO2- GaNS- Wasser mit und empfahl ihm, stündlich einen Schluck davon zu trinken. Zusätzlich band er sich ein CO2- Pad um den Wundverband.
Nach dem Trinken des ersten Schlucks empfand er, wo zuvor noch Gefühllosigkeit war, ein Zucken im verletztem Arm, der immer wieder ganz warm wurde.
Am nächsten Tag war er wieder zur Kontrolle im Krankenhaus und die Ärzte waren erstaunt über den guten Heilungsverlauf. Eine Hauttransplantation ist nicht nötig und es werden voraussichtlich noch nicht einmal Narben zurückbleiben.
A friend burned his back with butter. The doctors in the hospital feared that a skin transplant might be necessary because of the severity of the burn.
The boyfriend asked for help, and I gave him CO2-water, and told him to take a sip of it every hour. In addition, he tied a CO2 pad around the wound dressing.
After drinking the first sip, he felt a twitching in his injured arm, which was still very warm.
The next day he was back to the hospital and the doctors were amazed at the healing process. A skin transplant is not necessary and there are probably not even scars left behind.
78% economia residência, utilizando somente um magrav com fluxo no neutro.
(78% economy in the residence, using only one magrav with flow in the neutral.)
Filipe Saisse
Source: Facebook
Für die bekannte Kombination aus 3 Gans-Patches ineinander
habe ich eine Modifikation getestet die gemäss meiner Einhand-
rute (Tensor) mehr die doppelte Anzahl Boviseinheiten hat und
somit wesentlich stärker als die schon sehr wirksame 3er-
Das innere Patch habe ich hierbei nicht mit CUO-Gans bzw.
CH3-Gans gefüllt, sondern zuerst eine Kupferfolie
nanogecoatet, Potenzial abgezogen und mit CUO-Gans bzw. CH3-Gans
beschichtet. Nach dem trocknen habe ich die beschichtete Folie
trocken eingeschweisst.Dieses Patch dann in das mittlere Patch
geschoben und mit CO2-Gans gefüllt. Dieses dann wieder in das
äussere Patch gesteckt und mit CH3-Gans (oder CUO-Gans für das
Gegenstück) gefüllt.
Probiert es aus - bei mir wirkt es sehr gut gegen meine
Grüsse an alle
Karl-Jaochim Binder