Double static reactor
I made a double static reactor in the shape of a sphere which balances the energies in the body. It calms and helps us find inner balance despite people’s external influences and stress. It protects us from evil forces by promoting love and joy to ourselves and within ourselves. Thus, despite habits and beliefs, we love each other more easily, and when we love each other, we are more receptive to ourselves, to our appearance, and to other people.
In the case of physical injuries, such as nerve compression or bone displacement, the flow of energy in the body is stopped and pain on the cheek of the injury and beyond. We place the ball on the injury and it acts as a bridge, helping to transfer the stopped energy until we manage to get to the chiropractor to put our bones in place and restore normal energy flow.
In case of removal of blockages; during meditation or other relaxation procedures, it is placed or moved around the chakras as desired. It helps us release blockages. Where it hurts means there is something wrong. This is how we can ask ourselves questions so that we can solve problems and release the passage of energy. Blockages can only be mental due to beliefs, bad thoughts towards yourself or others, they can be due to habits that are not in line with us or even actions.
The dual static reactor consists of a combination of basic GANSs. GANS is a nano-state gas, but it is actually an open plasma. Simply put, GANS are atoms of a chemical element, completely unbound, making them very free, active, and susceptible to the environment in the magnetic-gravitational energy scattered within it. In a way, they have similar properties to noble gases, but they represent what we can define as a new state of matter. Every bit of GANS is a little sunshine that shines and has infinite energy.
Basically, all GANSs create a plasma field that interacts with our body’s energy field and helps our body (energy / emotional / mental / physical) balance and heal various problems and imbalances.
The reactor uses two aggregate states of the four main GANS and nano GANS:
• CO2 GANS will heal and balance our blood system and emotional body, relax and reduce stress and tension, improve oxygen levels and overall energy levels. It activates cells, revitalizes the body and strengthens the immune system.
• ZnO GANS (due to the large amount of zinc) will accelerate the healing process and will also work at the cellular level. Zinc is a key ingredient in more than 80 human metabolic cycles and plays an important role in wound healing.
• CuO GANS will heal and balance the lymphatic system and the physical body in general, affecting muscle tissue and the nervous system. Copper is responsible for good communication through the nerves, and copper acts as a disinfectant.
• CH3 GANS gives the body energy, CH3 GANS plasma water is nutritious and will fill the body with energy. Hydrogen energy plasma water CH3 GANS becomes food for the body when plasma is transferred to the molecules of living body cells. CH3 GANS will balance the nervous system and balance and increase energy flow.
The inner sphere contains: CH3 in liquid, solid and nano form and the amino acids CH3-Fe and CH3-CO2. A little hard ZnO 80% CO2 20%. A little hard CuO. Water.
The outer sphere contains: CuO in liquid solid and nano form and amino acids. A little CH3 in solid form. A little more three ZnO 80% CO2 20%. Water.
The outer and inner spheres are nano coated.
Such a combination of GANSs in spheres allows for plasma interaction and interaction between different masses. After all, the characteristic of plasma is that the stronger one always feeds the weaker one. Reactor us and we him. He gives us what we need and takes from us what we don't need. We need to be aware that the Reactor is a living being. The more we accept, love and respect him, the more he will give it back to us. Interaction is important, because it is this interaction that helps us.
Fonctionne parfaitement merci de tout mon coeur.Monsieur Keshe est un héro.Merci.
Works perfectly thank you with all my heart. Mr. Keshe is a hero. Thank you.
Here in Greece in Thessaloniki, a Keshe Health Unit that I built for a therapist from April 2021 until now, where timid and selected patients performed treatments with amazing results, I am happy that you are treating people without drugs, I present some testimonies.
Alexandra MAVROMATIDOU, parasites after plasma treatment 4 times removed the parasites from the ear and nose.
Andreoglou Aphrodite, had hemangiomas in the liver from a young age, now 50 years after regular treatment and in regular ultrasound and computed tomography examination was not found.
Theodosia Papatheodosiou Parathyroidism with many side effects throughout the body, kidney removal, and deformity of many bones and the spine,, was in a wheelchair permanently, now walks in the house feels better, began to menstruate. We are in the process of treatment. Its thyroid values dropped from 3500 units to 500
Sakis Papanatsios. Physiotherapist .. 12 years ago he had a stroke that left him with mobility problems after 8 sessions in the unit with a health helmet he got the feeling in the limbs and moves his legs and arms much better.
Kizaki Nikoleta. Chronic Inflammation in the Achilles tendon after 4 sessions the inflammation was eliminated and it no longer hurts.
How I slowly get used to plasma water food. When cooking, I add another ml of plasma water to the ingredients I used for cooking.
After such food, of course with awareness, I am satiated for more time. This makes it easier for me to give up material food over time.
Cooked food, I indulge and share with all the inhabitants of the earth who have no food.
Because of various ugly habits such as smoking, alcohol, watching television, and following mental habits that are not in tune with the soul; the soul of the body, the soul of the spirit, the mind ... they each go their separate ways and cause a multi-layered imbalance. To balance the physical body, emotions and other bodies (souls) is a very useful bath: where I put inside revitalized water and about 20 liters of plasma water of various gans, amino acids and salt. I also drink some plasma water and amino acids before entering the bath. It feels like I’m not in the water. But when I come out I have skin as a child and where I have had a scratch or a blow, a burn, it forms on the skin like some invisible layer of new tissue, and I also have no more tension. In water, I have to be aware of myself, the water and the plasma of the water around me and in me, and to connect with it, and to thank it ... just as it is done to connect with Magrav. It's okay for me to have such a concentration of plasma water, maybe someone would be too strong. Most likely with the latest versions of 1cup / 1life the same is achieved, only I haven't done that yet.
It was mentioned in lectures that the virus has two functions. It can give energy or take it away. I tried to connect with the virus, talk to him.
I got the corona virus. I had a headache, bones from feet to knees (it felt like my bones were melting and becoming soft), I had a fever and no taste.
The procedure was as follows: I asked the virus to be shown to me. I told him that as an intelligent being he has two choices in this universe. If he wants, he should return to the one from whom he is alienated. That I try to live by the rules of plasma and that is that the stronger always feeds the weaker. In the interaction between him and me, I am weaker and he is stronger and I ask him to accept the rules of this game and that I cannot feed him. He stepped away from me and let me know that he didn’t want to play such a game and he walked away.
Everything stopped hurting me, I only had a fever for 2 more days because the body was able to regenerate after the damage he did. After 2 days I started getting back the flavor as well.
I actually stumbled onto Keshe Plasma Energy through a friend, I have been drinking Keshe Water for over a month, my physical/Mental/emotional health is steadily improving DAILY.
At this point I'm weaning off my pain meds and Elavil ( tricyclic antidepressant for nerve pain).
I have MORE energy each day, very little menopause symptoms, not craving junk/carbs and sugar.
I can feel my vibration steadily rising.
I made 3 plasma dynamic stars and each one consists of only one type of gans. I calculated that for 1mm of coating there is about 3ml of liquid. All reactors have a nano-coated wire or a central column in the middle. Approximately the same amount of liquid was put into all the reactors, with the difference that they had a different water / gans ratio. I placed the star with CO2 + ZnO gans to the north, CH3 to the east, and CuO to the west. I set the speeds of the Grav and Mag reactors of each star according to the sensations and the vibrations that occurred. I felt the field right at startup. I deliberately made a star of only one gans in order to feel each entity separately. I left the house for an hour and a half. When I got back the field was felt about a radius of 18m away.
I stood between the star CH3 and CO2 and felt the plasma pass into me ..I felt full and positive. I stood between CO2 and CuO and felt how what was hurting me was slowly being removed. I stood between CH3 and CuO and I felt how energy like kundalini fills me and fills me… I pulled away.
The important facts that need to be taken into account are: self-awareness as a soul and the limitations I have due to karma. Gratitude and permission that I allow myself in accepting.
I adjusted the star reactors for 3 days to get the right ratio between the Grav and Mag of each star. The reactors are made with a 3D printer with a PETG mass.
I stood in the middle where the common plasma formed. I felt strong light and plasma on several levels. I welcomed all 3 entities and asked them for acceptance and thanked them for their existence. I ask them every time if they have something for me and if they have something to teach me. At last they showed me how to hold hands and form a circle around the central pillar. This pillar, and in general to be in the middle of the burn, if one does not have pure thoughts, or is irritated, for it burns the darkness which is within me. I’m just not afraid of that because I’ve felt it many times before. This plasma works on me, but not on my soul ... I feel light on my soul. I feel it on my body and on my emotions.
I designed and assembled this system for the purpose of meditation, plasma learning, and light propagation in general. When I have no clear thoughts or too much thirst at once, some reactor stops a bit and goes off balance…. I am aware of this, I am correcting and settling. Plasma and entities accept me and allow me to manipulate it.
When I sit down in between, I immediately relax and my thoughts calm down immediately.
I meditate and direct the plasma and light where it is needed on earth and with all the beings who need it:
When I asked the plasma if it could be shared with beings in need of love or health it worked, but limited. I realized that this action was violent and I changed my mind. I asked if you work with people and beings who want or need health or love with those who accept it and a channel was immediately created. (In the past, I shared love with someone black who didn’t accept it and made a blockage on my arm ... I’ve learned that you can’t force love ... if it accepts ok, if not)).
The plasma field is growing every day, currently the radius is 30m. The entities allow me to have this field at home and also to have to share this knowledge.
My husband was diagnosed January 2020, he started taking traditional therapy chemo and immune therapy he had a really bad time at the beginning the chemo was awful,
he continued the treatment and added cup of life one water baths 2 or 3 times a day with bottles of cup of life one and two in the bad area where the cancer was sit in there for one hour. He also cut out sugar, carbs and added curcumin pre and probiotics and fenbenzodal,
when he feels bad he takes a bath protocol and feels much better after, while he is in the bath he feels no pain at all, also comparing to others going though the same illness they have lots of skin issues due to the chemo and my husband has non his skin is perfect he calls them his magic baths lol, so far he never misses his baths and now as of today feb 14 2021 he is in partial remission, at the beginning the doctor said he would have to have a stem cell transplant and now that has all changed as he is doing so well, i will now add cuo and test for heavy metals, Thank you Mr Keshe we love you and also thanks to Mark house who is always there guiding and answering my questions
My experience having access to the Wellness Cabin was very pleasant and constructive. I stayed inside it for 20 minutes, the first time, experiencing different sensations on a physical level: muscle movements, release of tension or contracture in the abdomen. Closing my eyes I saw passages of purple / blue energy from the right temple to the left. This energy then became rarefied leaving room for some flashes of golden light in the frontal field.
The second session lasting 30 minutes, I relaxed in a deeper way, I felt tremors away from the arms from the shoulders towards the hands. Feelings of heat in some fingers, including an injured finger. A sensation of energy in the head with some slight internal twinges in correspondence of the right eye, as if to unravel a tension.
Still feeling of release of tension in the abdomen.
Specifically, I suffer from chronic migraines.
In the third session I was able to move an hour. During this time I felt an aid to relaxation, intense heat in my right arm. After some time I felt a thickening in my head that made me feel a headache beginning, at this point I went out for a moment, then I realized that I had to go back in and gently massage some points (indicatively of Chinese acupuncture) to help me to unravel the excess energy and everything is re-harmonized. The cabin gives rise to a feeling of 'care', invites you to listen to yourself, indicates critical points on which to help yourself to feel better.
The post-cabin was an injection of energy, strength and high mood for me.
Thank you .
La mia esperienza avendo accesso alla Cabina del benessere è stata molto piacevole e costruttiva. Sono rimasta al suo interno 20 minuti , la prima volta , sperimentando diverse sensazioni a livello fisico : sommovimenti muscolari , di rilascio tensione o contrattura a livello di addome . Chiudendo gli occhi ho visto passaggi di energia colore viola/blu dalla tempia destra verso sinistra . Questa energia si è b poi rarefatta lasciando spazio ad alcuni lampi di luce dorata nel campo frontale .
La seconda seduta della durata di 30 minuti , mi sono rilassata in modo più profondo, ho avvertito fremiti lungi le braccia dalle spalle verso le mani . Sensazioni di calore ad alcune dita , tra cui un dito infortunato. Un sensazione di energia alla testa con alcune fitte lievi interne in corrispondenza dell' occhio destro , come a dipanare una tensione.
Ancora sensazione di rilascio di tensione all'addome .
Specifico che soffro di emicrania cronica .
Nella terza seduta ho potuto spostare un' oretta . In questo tempo ho percepito un aiuto al rilassamento, calore intenso al braccio destro. Dopo un po' di tempo ho avvertito un addensamento alla testa che mi faceva percepire un principio di mal di testa , a questo punto sono uscita un attimo, poi ho realizzato che dovevo rientrare e massaggiare delicatamente alcuni punti ( indicativamente di agopuntura cinese) per aiutarmi a dipanare l'energia in eccesso e tutto si è riarmonizzato. La Cabina scaturisce una sensazione di 'cura ' , invita all'ascolto di sé, indica punti critici su cui aiutarsi per stare meglio .
Il dopo cabina per me è stato un ' iniezione di energia , forza e umore alto .
Grazie .