
Keshe Foundation Testimonials

Cup 1 and Cup 2 GANS and Plasma WAter
Randy Miller - Tue November 10th Ardrossan, Alberta, Canada
Category: Spiritual

Hi Randy,

Just wanted to ask you what are the small bottles in the package you sent to Ariana?

Ariana wasn't clear about what to do with them other than she needed to use them on either side of her bed.

When we opened the package today I held one bottle in each hand.
1st I held the white bottle in my left hand and the red bottle in my right hand. Energy from both at an equal pace went up my arms and then right to the top of my head. It felt as if my pituitary gland & energy systems were being balanced.

2nd I did the reverse. Energy went up my arms the same way and then to the base of my brain. It felt as if my pineal gland & energy systems were being

When Ariana did the same thing not sure which bottle was in each hand. One went to her mouth and lower jaw area and after the swap it was her third eye and forehead.

We opened the package just before we had lunch. During lunch we set each set in the middle of the table as if they were on either side of our bodies. By the time we finished lunch, I felt slightly flushed as if I was doing some healing or detoxing. If someone had touched my cheekbones they would have thought I was running a slight fever. Ariana said she felt something on her cheeks as well.

Ariana was interrupted by a phone call. While she was on the phone I looked into the mirror in the dining-room. The mirror reflected one of the prisms in her living-room window. The sun hit it and was glowing yellow. As I watched the prism started emitting a reddish light and I felt like a portal had been opened to higher dimensions. I asked to be receptive to what I was needing for my highest good. After a couple of minutes or less the red light faded to yellow, white and then was gone by the time Ariana returned to the dining-room. Coincidence hmm not likely as I have never seen that prism reflect anything but rainbows.

Very interested in learning more about your powerful "little" bottles.

Light and Love,

Pain killer
Lalita - Wed October 14th Indonesia
Category: None

Sy memberi sebotol kecil air plasma kepada teman. Dia mengeluhkan tangan kiri yang sakit menahun tanpa alasan yg jelas. Bukan karena kolesterol, patah tulang atau apa. Semprot sekali dia merasa aliran udara seperti berputar di tangan yg sakit, semprot lagi dia merasa di ujung jari ada pusaran entah apa. Dan rasa sakit hilang begitu saja. Meninggalkan rasa segar.
Dia mencobakan juga pada pinggang suaminya yg sakit di suatu pagi. Hanya satu kali semprot. Hingga muncul pertanyaan air apa itu? Bagaimana bisa bekerja seperti itu?
Di hari lain ikan di kolam sepertinya sakit dan mulai berenang miring, saya teteskan 2 tetes gans di kolam, ikan langsung mendatangi tempat tetesannya. Begitu juga semut mendatangi bekas tetesn gans. Tetapi beson paginya saya temukan 3 ikan saya sudah mati semua.

"Sy gave a small bottle of plasma water to a friend. He complained about chronic pain in his left hand for no apparent reason. Not because of cholesterol, broken bones or anything. Spray once he felt a stream of air like spinning in the sore hand, spray again he felt at the fingertips there is a swirl of whatever. And the pain just goes away. Leaves a fresh taste.
She tried also on her husband's sore waist one morning. Just one spray. Until the question arises, what is water? How can it work like that?
On another day the fish in the pond seemed to be sick and started swimming sideways, I put 2 drops of gans in the pond, the fish went straight to the dropping place. Likewise, the ants come to the drop marks. But the next morning I found 3 of my fish were all dead."

Cura de una cadera sin rodete marginal
Esteban Dario Altamirano - Thu September 03rd Buenos Aires, Argentina
Category: Health

Nací a los 8 meses, motivo por el cual tuve distintos problemas de salud, uno de los cuales era no tener rodete marginal en la articulación coxo femoral. Mientras era niño y hasta la adolescencia no tuve problemas, pero luego empecé a tener dolor en la cadera, que me hacía caminar "como un pato" al empezar a andar, y limitó mi apertura de piernas frontal, de 180 grados a 90 grados, por inflamación. Cada año me hacía un control, y luego de muchos años el médico observó los estudios una y otra vez, sin poder creer lo que veía: tenía rodete marginal, mi cadera estaba excelente! Entiendo que el plasma pueda recuperar una lesión, pero en mi caso, ese rodete jamás lo tuve! ¿Cómo salió algo que jamás existió en mi cadera? INCREIBLE! pienso que el plasma de algún modo sabía lo que necesitaba, y simplemente me lo dio. GRACIAS SR. KESHE!!! Esto parece magia!
-Esteban Dario Altamirano

(English Translation):
I was born at 8 months, which is why I had different health problems, one of which was not having a marginal ridge in the hip joint. While I was a child and until adolescence I had no problems, but then I began to have pain in my hip, which made me walk "like a duck" when I started walking, and limited my front leg spread, from 180 degrees to 90 degrees, by inflammation. Every year I had a check-up, and after many years the doctor observed the studies over and over again, unable to believe what he saw: I had a marginal buckle, my hips were excellent! I understand that plasma can recover an injury, but in my case, I never had that bun! How did something that never existed come out on my hip? AMAZING! I think the plasma somehow knew what I needed, and it just gave it to me. THANK YOU MR. KESHE !!! This looks like magic! --Esteban Dario Altamirano

Cura de un disco intervertebral reparado
Esteban Dario Altamirano - Wed September 02nd Buenos Aires, Argentina
Category: Health

Tuve una lesión en la columna que produjo un aplastamiento de unos discos intervertebrales de la zona lumbar, que produjo una leve escoliosis; como resultado, cada tanto me daba una contractura muscular del cuadrado lumbar, muy doloroso e inmovilizante. Durante años tenía ese problema, pero en el último estudio de la columna me salió que no tenía nada. El doctor revisó muchas veces el estudio, ya que él consideraba que era imposible que un disco intervertebral se arreglara solo. Sin embargo, HOY MIS DISCOS VERTEBRALES NO ESTÁN LESIONADOS, NI TENGO ESCOLIOSIS! GRACIAS SR. KESHE! -Esteban Dario Altamirano

(English Translation):
I had a spinal injury that caused a crushing of some intervertebral discs in the lumbar area, causing mild scoliosis; as a result, every now and then I would get a very painful and immobilizing quadratus muscle contracture. For years I had this problem, but in the last study of the column I found that I had nothing. The doctor reviewed the study many times, as he considered that it was impossible for an intervertebral disc to fix itself. However, TODAY MY VERTEBRAL DISCS ARE NOT INJURED, NOR DO I HAVE SCOLIOSIS! THANK YOU MR. KESHE! -Esteban Dario Altamirano

Cura de un soplo cardíaco
Esteban - Wed September 02nd Buenos Aires, Argentina
Category: Health

Tenía un soplo cardíaco desde mi nacimiento. Siempre los médicos me dijeron que no se podía hacer nada.
Sin embargo, el día de hoy (2 de septiembre del 2020), me han hecho un análisis con un electrocardiograma, y no tengo nada! el corazón está perfecto, sin problemas! La doctora no entendía como pudo recuperarse! ESTOY FELIZ! CON CORAZÓN NUEVO! GRACIAS SR. KESHE!!! -Esteban

(English translatioin):
I had a heart murmur from birth. Doctors always told me that nothing could be done.
However, today (September 2, 2020), I had an analysis with an electrocardiogram, and I have nothing! the heart is perfect, no problems! The doctor did not understand how she could recover! I AM HAPPY! WITH A NEW HEART! THANK YOU MR. KESHE !!! -Esteban

4 Weeks using cup of life one and two
Jackie Ausich - Sat May 09th Crowley, TX
Category: Health

Symptoms of body before starting
Migraines 3 or 4 times week, for about 20 years have c3 disc surgery
Psoriasis for about 40 years gradually getting worse
Pain on left side for 7 years constant ache gets worse if lifting something doctors cannot find what is wrong
Back pain mostly on right side for about 5 years, also pain on left upper back sometimes feels like kidney, scan shows osteopenia in back and hip
Broken bone on left middle finger and on left middle toe, possible broken ankle aches at night and swells at ankle
constipation , swollen stomach, having to go the bathroom during the night and feeling of needing to pee tender inflammation in stomach and bladder
Digestive issues some sickly feeling upon waking sometimes
Feet hurt when first wake up, small tiny growth on ankle been there for years
Varicose veins

Two weeks using cup of life 1 and cup of life 2, spraying from head to toe with cL1, and spraying from chest to feet with cL2 morning and night, drinking water with 30ml, also pain patch with cup one on stomach and also moving to back in the morning, taking bath using one cup of cup of life one, once a week

Results after two weeks
Psoriasis, not as itchy looks smoother noticeable difference
Migraines still there
Pain on left side seems less
Back pain improved as i noticed i slept better and longer
Broken bones and ankle still hurt
Constipation and bladder, bladder improved as i noticed i was not getting up in the middle of the night
Digestive issues improved
Tiny growth on leg has top layer of skin peeling off
Veins look the same

Four weeks using cup of life 1 and cup of life 2, spraying from head to toe with cL1, and spraying from chest to feet with cL2 morning and night, drinking water with 30ml, also pain patch with cup one on stomach and also moving to back in the morning, taking bath using one of cup of life one

Results after four weeks
Psoriasis, not itchy at all completely gone
Migraines still there
Pain on left side seems less starting to notice a slight swelling on the left side and feeling of like baby kicks lol that come and go all week

Back pain much improved
Broken bones finger still hurts but ankle does not
Constipation and bladder, bladder improved as i noticed i was not getting up in the middle of the night also no constipation at all for a least a week very regular and have not changed my diet
Digestive issues improved
Tiny growth on leg has top layer of skin peeling off and something trying to come out
Veins look the same

End result so far has been impressive, also house is much calmer and happy much less inflammation over entire body,

Thank you so much Mr Keshe, Caroline, Mark house and everyone contributing much love to you all

Cured my cough and shortness of breath
Pat Muscat - Wed April 15th MALTA
Category: Health

I have been 2 weeks suffering from pain cough and shortness of breath and chest pain and tightness and back pain as soon as I took the gans water all the symptoms where relieved my cough stopped the chest tightness was gone and even the shortness of breath like a miracle!

Treating dental pain and Aczema
tarek - Wed April 15th Syria Damascus
Category: Health

Yesterday, I suffered a very bad toothache with a heat,

so i spread the Gans on my face.

After about an hour, my toothache gone and the heat too.


I have an Aczema on my leg's skin also, so I spread the Gans on it about three times since yesterday. Now, it's very better

I used gans from 1C1L

One cup One Life & Twin Cup
Shawn - Mon March 09th Hawthorne, Florida
Category: Health

So far I have seen success in all of my cups, and people that I have shared with report they feel better after using plasma water from the GANS of all One Cup methods. Preparing to make cup care kits for family and friends. Thank you all.

First Gans
Alaska Suzon - Sat February 22nd
Category: Spiritual

February 20, 2020
The first Gans I created I saw a LUMINIOUS Aqua grow down towards the bottom in a curved bottom.
I felt the the luminous growing plasma fill the room & me!
When I went to bed I could still feel the plasma presence within me and without me.
Like a glowing cloud of LOVE!

Thanks Keshe!!
Alaska Suzon