In the first 5 minutes after the start of the session, when he opened the microphones, I felt something very different and strong.
My eyes were half open and half closed, I couldn't open my eyes, and I saw my hands as if I were looking through frosted glass, my hand was translucent, and my consciousness just said wow wow... I kept thinking and asking myself internal questions, like what is the transmutation process like? I felt my body go weak. And then it was over.
I had other sensations, such as seeing lights, and my feet and hands felt numb. But nothing compared to that.
This session was very special and different, as it was the first time I had done it and I was working.
At first it was difficult for me to connect, due to the noise and my work, but after a few minutes, I began to notice that people were balancing themselves, with a reduction in noise and there was a moment when I stopped everything, closed my eyes and concentrated. At that point there was a pleasant silence, where I could really feel the fields. I wanted to connect my soul of man with my soul of physicality. That's when my whole body went numb, I couldn't feel my feet, my arms, my lips and the pressure in my back and neck increased and my head and torso started to fall slightly downwards, but I couldn't straighten up. I felt very good, remembering how it felt to be inside the womb (warmth, silence, peace). At that moment I heard Azar saying that she couldn't breathe, and that's when I woke up and opened my eyes again, but as it was abrupt, I felt slightly dizzy.
I started working again and felt very tired. But this cycle is what I could do at the moment, but when I reconnected, the pressure in the cervical region and posterior thorax came on and the damping. It felt like my body had already been conditioned to weaken its physicality. It was interesting to realize this and I can see that when we start transmuting, the process will be much quicker.
The second moment I connected was a journey into my body. It didn't take long, but it was beautiful to see how we are a universe and that we have to love everyone in our system, called the body, in order for there to be balance.
I went back into the room twice after the 4-hour session, but I couldn't connect like that again.
Another thing I noticed was the extreme tiredness throughout the day.
Közel 2 éve forrásvizet iszom ezzel megelőzve a gyakori vesekő képződst.Külőnféle plazmákkal körülvett vizeskancsóból iszom. Véletlenül megtapasztaltam hogy az egy éjszaka alatt féretett vizeletemben egy mágnesesnek tűnő felhőgombóc lebegett. Ha volt olyan nap hogy nem plasma vizet ittam akkorez nem fordult elő.Ebből volt is egy félreértés mert az ultrahangos vizsgálatnál kő gyanura gondolt az orvos, de ő nen tudta hogy én milyen vizet iszom.
I have been drinking spring water for nearly 2 years, thereby preventing the frequent formation of kidney stones. I drink it from a water jug surrounded by various plasmas. I accidentally experienced that a seemingly magnetic cloud ball was floating in my urine overnight. If there was a day when I didn't drink plasma water, it didn't happen. This led to a misunderstanding because the doctor thought it was a stone during the ultrasound examination, but he didn't know what kind of water I drank.
Ho donato il gans CO2 ad un amico che aveva problemi con un attrite alle mani, non riusciva più a muovere le dita e non dormiva di notte dal dolore, gli ho detto di fare i bagni alle mani ma lui si spruzzava direttamente il gans sulle mani e quando l’ho rivisto muoveva le dita tranquillamente ed era molto felice che non aveva più dolore, come suggerito da me Keshe gli ho detto di fare 40 saltelli sui talloni, era molto contento e mi ha fatto un regalo. Io ho trattato l’ alluce vago per due mesi con i pediluvi con gans CO2 ed il mio alluce si è girato ed adesso cammino normale sentendo l’alluce che poggia regolarmente a terra. Uso le patch di gans CO2 quando ho dolori alle spalle con risultati sorprendenti, quando mi spruzzo l’acqua mi rilassa molto e se ho mal di testa mi passa; a volte mi son schiacciato il dito e ho messo subito l’acqua plasmatica ed il gans CO2 che avevo in un bracciale ed il dolore è passato in un paio di minuti e non c’è stata coagulazione di sangue, non è venuta l’unghia nera. Le mie piante fanno molti fiori quando li spruzzo ed alcune rose hanno un colore diverso, più intenso.
Con il gans CuO mi guarisce da crampi, stanchezza, sciatica, e dolori vari. Di solito ogni due mesi avevo bisogno di trattamenti Osteopatici, è da più di 8 mesi che non ne ho più bisogno, l’ultima volta che mi era venuto una tensione alla base della colonna vertebrale con dolore che non mi piegavo, ho spruzzato il Gans CuO ed immediatamente è partita una torsione al quadricipite che si è liberata al ginocchio, il dolore è scomparso ed il mio corpo si è raddrizzato. Ogni volta che succedono queste guarigioni, mi metto a ridere e ringrazio me Keshe per tutta la conoscenza è per la tecnologia che ci ha insegnato, e grazie ancora.
I donated the CO2 gans to a friend who had problems with hand friction, he couldn't move his fingers anymore and couldn't sleep at night from the pain, I told him to do hand baths but he sprayed the gans directly on his hands and when I saw him again he moved his fingers quietly and was very happy that he was no longer in pain, as suggested by me Keshe I told him to do 40 hops on his heels, he was very happy and gave me a gift. I treated the vagus big toe for two months with foot baths with CO2 gas and my big toe turned and now I walk normally feeling the big toe resting regularly on the ground. I use the CO2 gans patches when I have shoulder pains with amazing results, when I spray the water it relaxes me a lot and if I have a headache it goes away; sometimes I crushed my finger and I immediately put the plasmatic water and the CO2 gas I had in a bracelet and the pain went away in a couple of minutes and there was no blood clotting, the nail didn't come Black. My plants make a lot of flowers when I spray them and some roses have a different, more intense colour.
With the gans CuO he heals me from cramps, tiredness, sciatica, and various pains. Usually every two months I needed Osteopathic treatments, it's been more than 8 months since I no longer needed them, the last time I had tension at the base of my spine with pain that I couldn't bend over, I sprayed the Gans CuO and immediately a quadriceps torsion started which was released at the knee, the pain disappeared and my body straightened up. Every time these healings happen, I laugh and thank me Keshe for all the knowledge and technology she has taught us, and thanks again.
Ho partecipato all'incontro di Anime del 16.12.2022. Eravamo corca 160 da tutto il mondo. Non ho avuto particolari sensazioni. Sono rimasto silenzio. Dovete sapere che sono felicemtente sposato da 30 anni. Ebbene, dopo un mese circa, verso fine Gennaio, sono iniziati dei cambiamenti molto significativi nel rapporto di coppia con mia moglie. Se prima era bello, ora è eccezionale. È un miracolo. L'esperienza che vivo è meravigliosa e ho notato anche un grande cambiamento in mia moglie. Le nostre due figlie notano questo cambiamento in noi e quanto ancora di più ci vogliamo bene e aiutiamo chi ci è vicino. È un momento straordinario, profondo e proficuo che ci da una grandissima gioia e pace. Grazie Mr Keshe e voi tutti ricercatori della conoscenza. Pierluigi Goi. Gruppo italiano Kf.
(English translation)
I attended the Anime meeting on 12.16.2022. We were about 160 from all over the world. I had no particular sensations. I remained silent. You should know that I have been happily married for 30 years. Well, after about a month, towards the end of January, very significant changes began in the couple's relationship with my wife. If it was beautiful before, it is now exceptional. It's a miracle. The experience I have is wonderful and I have also noticed a great change in my wife. Our two daughters notice this change in us and how much more we love each other and help those close to us. It is an extraordinary, profound and fruitful moment that gives us great joy and peace. Thank you Mr Keshe and all you knowledge seekers.
Pierluigi Goi. Italian group Kf.
I woke up one day after a bad night with muscle cramps and I was very sick. I felt terrible, Headache, sore body, extremely tired, and felt a heavy pressure on my ear drums. I had to give a lecture the nextt day so I had no time to be sick. I started drinking gans water from the first cup of life, and inhaled it as well. In the afternoon I already felt better en the next day i was healed and was full of energy to give the lecture. It was amazing. Without the gans I would have been sick for at least a week. As i had a very bad flu. Now it was gone within a day!
I made 3 plasma dynamic stars and each one consists of only one type of gans. I calculated that for 1mm of coating there is about 3ml of liquid. All reactors have a nano-coated wire or a central column in the middle. Approximately the same amount of liquid was put into all the reactors, with the difference that they had a different water / gans ratio. I placed the star with CO2 + ZnO gans to the north, CH3 to the east, and CuO to the west. I set the speeds of the Grav and Mag reactors of each star according to the sensations and the vibrations that occurred. I felt the field right at startup. I deliberately made a star of only one gans in order to feel each entity separately. I left the house for an hour and a half. When I got back the field was felt about a radius of 18m away. I stood between the star CH3 and CO2 and felt the plasma pass into me ..I felt full and positive. I stood between CO2 and CuO and felt how what was hurting me was slowly being removed. I stood between CH3 and CuO and I felt how energy like kundalini fills me and fills me… I pulled away.
The important facts that need to be taken into account are: self-awareness as a soul and the limitations I have due to karma. Gratitude and permission that I allow myself in accepting. I adjusted the star reactors for 3 days to get the right ratio between the Grav and Mag of each star. The reactors are made with a 3D printer with a PETG mass. I stood in the middle where the common plasma formed. I felt strong light and plasma on several levels. I welcomed all 3 entities and asked them for acceptance and thanked them for their existence. I ask them every time if they have something for me and if they have something to teach me. At last they showed me how to hold hands and form a circle around the central pillar. This pillar, and in general to be in the middle of the burn, if one does not have pure thoughts, or is irritated, for it burns the darkness which is within me. I am just not afraid of that because I've felt it many times before.
This plasma works on me, but not on my soul ... I feel light on my soul. I feel it on my body and on my emotions. I designed and assembled this system for the purpose of meditation, plasma learning, and light propagation in general. When I have no clear thoughts or too much thirst at once, some reactor stops a bit and goes off balance…. I am aware of this, I am correcting and settling. Plasma and entities accept me and allow me to manipulate it. When I sit down in between, I immediately relax and my thoughts calm down immediately. I meditate and direct the plasma and light where it is needed on earth and with all the beings who need it: When I asked the plasma if it could be shared with beings in need of love or health it worked, but limited. I realized that this action was violent and I changed my mind. I asked if you work with people and beings who want or need health or love with those who accept it and a channel was immediately created. (In the past, I shared love with someone black who didn't accept it and made a blockage on my arm ... I have learned that you cannot force love ... if it accepts ok, if not)). The plasma field is growing every day, currently the radius is 30m. The entities allow me to have this field at home and also to have to share this knowledge.
I set up a cup2 with slight over 5%salt, i let it sit in front of window where it took the evening light and topped up with the same salty water for few weeks Eventually the salts collected around the top edges of the cup I collected the salts and use it when needed. My wife gets infections it effects her lungs, and starts wheezing. when we see this we put one lentil size in a small glass and put filtered water and dissolve it and she drinks it once in the morning once evening, after 5 days she is fully recovered.
Tomonagua de Plasma hace 4 años estaba con cáncer en la garganta y parece que se me fue todo
Plasma Tomonagua 4 years ago I had throat cancer and it seems that everything has gone away
I made 4 ping pong balls. Each filled 3/4 with LP co2. I paced them in the garden 3 in a triangle at the base of the garden and one 2 m above the ground in the centre.
The plant growth and flowers are unbelievable and it's so easy to do.
To fill the ping pong balls I drilled 2 holes close to each other then filled with syringe, sealed the holes with plastic liquid that you set with ultraviolet light.