
Keshe Foundation Testimonials

Magrav results
John Leitch - Fri November 18th
Category: Energy

May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016 Magrav results My Power bill :: YAY! Apr 14.2016 May 13,2016 $60.98 Mar 15.2016-Apr 14.2016 $6191 Feb 12. 2016-Mar 15,2016 $80.10 Jan 14.2016-Feb 12.2016 $184 03 Dec 14.2015 -Jan 14.2016 $186.08 Nov 12.2015-Dec 14,2015 $212.52 Oct 14.2015-Nov 12.2015 $226 86 Sep 15.2015-Oct 14.2015 $244 65 Aug 14.2015-Sep 15.2015 $128.99 Jull 5.2015 -Aug 14,2015 $214.53 Picture at the following link:

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Bump on the throat gone
Lai Yin Stenqvist‎ - Fri November 18th Stockholm, Sweden
Category: Health

November 13, 2016 A person with a bump on the throat was afraid to go to the hospital as she had bad experience with a former operation and she was afraid to get diagnos the bump as cancer. So I made 2 health pads for her and they were made by half CO2 GANS and half CO2 GANS water. After 2 days, it was noticeable the bump was smaller and after 2 weeks, it was gone. Lai Yin Stenqvist Photo 1 (BEFORE): Photo 2 (AFTER):


Magravs Power Unit testimonial
Rico Arce - Fri November 18th Philippines
Category: Energy

March 14, 2016 I am very Happy to see my Electricity Goes down on an average of 50% to 60 % reduction over the past 2 months after installing the #MagravPower System in my Condo. Above are my 2015 Billing statements. Thats 1,500 to 2000 pesos savings per month. I LOVE it!!! Thank you MT Keshe for the Knowledge and the Technology. #Keshe #KnowledgeSeekersManila #KFSSI #PlasmaTechnology #KesheFoundationPhilippines #SpaceShipInstitute Photo location:

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Pain Pen Testimonial
Catherine Morse - Fri November 18th
Category: Health

Hi Michael, Here is some of the feedback I have received from clients. On the occasions I have used the pain pen while doing 7 Fields sessions. I have had clients tell me on many occasions they felt a tingling, warmth, shooting short pain in different areas of the body. Not everyone experiences this.

Yesterday I worked on a client distance sessions in my Mindscape. He had a stroke in May and few days ago fell, and his pain levels and dizziness were high. I used the pain pen on the lower back with an intent on the conception vessel. He rang me this morning and said ˝the pain is improved significantly and dizziness better˝.

It is hard to differentiate results because I often get this kind of feedback-with the modality I have developed (7 Fields of Holistic Health) and Young Living Essential oils, however, I suspect the pain pen is amplifying the results making them even more powerful and faster. Also I often use the pen on the feet on vita flex points (vitality through the reflexes). Personal testimony I used the pain pen and an essential oil on my heart through the vita flexes on my feet, my blood pressure went from 160/95 to 120/ 87. Not knowing whether the results are from the session and oils I tried it again this morning. My BP went from 137/87 then tried again without the oil, my heart and kidney points on my feet and it went to 125/90. The diastolic went up a bit but systolic down after ten minutes.

Thank You for sharing this amazing tool! Catherine Morse Source:


Pain Pad on aching knee
Philip Branagh - Fri November 18th
Category: Health

Hello Doctor, I would like to thank you and Mr Keshe. I received my very high quality Pain Pad yesterday and attached it to my aching knee. It was too hard to walk around with it on so I undid it and saved it for bedtime. I applied the band on my leg for the entire night’s sleep and I woke the next morning with the pain nearly all gone. I can’t thank you enough. Please feel free to use any of my correspondence in any way you see fit. I cannot thank you and the Keshe Foundation enough. I hope you have a great day week, month and life. Kind regards, Philip Branagh September 20, 2016 Source grace to Richard Presser:

Pan Pad on knee with Arthitis
Philip Branagh - Fri November 18th
Category: Health

Hi Richard, I would just like to drop another quick line to you to thank you again for the Pain Pad. I wore it for the second time in bed again last night and when I woke this morning I had a very good sleep. I woke this morning and I did not have the usual numb almost pain feeling I usually have in my knee. As I have told you before I had an arthroscopy on my left knee quite a while ago and my knee has been very sore with what I have been told is knee bone on bone and Arthritis, (my wife just said it is rheumatoid arthritis.) I forgot what the doctor said. Anyway, the Pad is working great, I don’t think you will be needing people to vouch for the technology much longer as I’m sure word will travel fast and you will be rushed off your feet trying to keep up with orders. Goodnight and thanks. Philip Branagh September 22, 2016 Source grace to Richard Presser:

Pain Free with Pain Pen
Linda M. Miller - Fri November 18th
Category: Health

Dear Dr. Presser, I am in shock. Day 4. The last two mornings I’ve awakened PAIN FREE. Getting out of bed is, well–a pain. Yesterday, the pain slipped back, so I used the Pen again. Today, my spine is not hurting at all. This is unbelievable. Arthritis from neck to tailbone, including hip/spine congenital malformation–now relieved of all pain. I actually trimmed two small trees and did a bit of yard clean-up this morning and now sit here perusing the web, without the agony that typically follows any exercise. I’m ready to cry I’m so happy. A specific spinal issue has been plaguing me for forty years and arthritis has begun to prevent any sort of heavy exercise–I’m 67 physically. I’m 35 otherwise. I plan to revert physically. Hahahaa. You never know . . . . I look forward to receiving the pain pad, too! Thank you, a thousand times. And, a thousand blessings upon you and the Keshe Foundation. Sincerely, Linda M. Miller P.S. I elected to not tell my husband of my purchase. When I originally spoke to him about Mr. Keshe and his teachings, the words out of his mouth were, “Do Not Buy Any of That.” Well, OK then. I continued to read and research. I told my husband about the Pen this morning. He has a pacemaker and will not be able to use it. (Not true – just keep it away from his pacemaker). But, after hearing about my success he’s thinking about the fellows at his tennis club who suffer from various tennis strains and injuries. Now, that’s a switch. May 30, 2016 Source grace to Richard Presser:


Pain Pen experience
Demitra - Fri November 18th
Category: Health

Hi Richard, Interesting testimonial from Linda because I've been using my Pain Pen in a similar manner (read how Linda is using it here) -- the only difference is that I apply it to the soles of my feet. Because my problem area is the sinus/ears area, and since focusing the Pen too close to the eyes and brain is not at all recommended, I decided to apply the plasma energy to my toes to see if it would have any effect on my sinuses. Admittedly, no miracle "cure" yet, but it does manage to alleviate the worst of my discomfort when I need it most. In another matter: after eating too much of a good thing last week and experiencing indigestion as a result, I applied the Pain Pen directly to the discomforted area and, surprisingly, within a few minutes the sick, bloating sensation was completely gone! Wow, I really hadn't expected positive results for this particular issue, so a score on this one, for sure. Also, bruises that are exposed to the plasma field of the Pain Pen seem to fade faster as well. Who wouldn't want that? My son says the point of the Pen is the perfect tool for his "trigger point therapy". When trying to reach down into deeper areas of very tense muscle tissue, it's not easy to do with one's fingers, so a firm tool of some kind is required. The Pain Pen fits the bill. Of course, we suspect that the plasma field generated by the Pen is helping release some of the painful tension in his affected muscles as well, so it's actually working double duty in his case. It sure is interesting discovering in what other ways this little gem can do good. You can be sure we'll continue testing out its limits to see if it has any. Thank you, Richard! Demitra July 22nd, 2016

The dull throbbing pain that used to bother me at night is gone
Marilyn - Fri November 18th
Category: Health

I contracted Lyme disease in 1998 after moving from the city to the country. I refused the antibiotics they offered because at that time they said Lyme disease was a virus. We now know that it is a spirochete. I suffered severe pain and eventually was paralysed. I couldn't work, lost my marriage and went to live with my mother, say good-by to my children and die. After a change in my diet, getting on thyroid medication and using oregano oil blends, I recovered enough to enter the world again. Most of my pain was gone, like the headaches, but I still suffered from constant joint pain in my shoulders, wrists, knees and ankles. I have always refused pain medication. So when I read about the Keshe Pain Pen I ordered one. I have only used it a few weeks but noticed a difference overnight when I first started using it. I can go walking and gardening without the pain. I use my Pen in the mornings and then before bed. I point it at my shoulders, wrists, knees and ankles for a count of 45 at each point. I am sleeping better as the dull throbbing pain that used to bother me at night is gone. It's quite unbelievable but true. I can't wait to see what else the Keshe Foundation will come up with. Thank you, Love and light Marilyn July 12, 2016

I am astonished at the results!!! Pain Pen for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Carol James - Fri November 18th
Category: Health

Had my Pain Pen for 2 days now. I am astonished at the results!!! As a long term recipient of RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis)...30 yrs... I have been left with sore back/knees/wrists with little movement and limited ability to physical activity. Always on the lookout for alternative help as opposed to pharma drugs hence the Pain Pen. Had almost instant results on my wrists being able to move them with no soreness. Knees/back are responding also... Now using for 1 minute each on several places around these areas... I am in absolute gratitude!!! Carol James July 13, 2016