
Keshe Foundation Testimonials

Hadile - Mon January 28th France
Category: Energy


(French original)
En 2016 j'ai reçu ma facture d’électricité annuelle. grâce a mon magrav j'ai fais une économie d'environ 40 à 45%. merci a mr keshe et a la fondation keshe.

English Translation:
In 2016 I received my annual electricity bill. Thanks to my magrav I made a saving of about 40 to 45%. Thanks to Mr Keshe and Keshe Foundation.


Experience with my Magrav
Adeline - Mon January 28th France
Category: Health

(translated from French)
" Hello I present my testimony to you.
This afternoon I plunged my car magrav into my bath.
Step 1. I wrapped the magrav with food film paper to make it waterproof. I put it in a freezer bag with a zipper.
Step 2 I ran my bath and then immersed the magrav.
Observation... it does not sink, it floats. I put a weight on it but it's having trouble staying submerged. I put both hands on it and the magrav began to describe circles in the shape of a spiral that widened outwards. It went so far as to touch the walls of the bathtub. I think it could have gone even outside.

As soon as the weather is fine, I try in a swimming pool. Moreover in the bathtub I put 2 bracelets and 2 pens and then splashed...... I took a bath. I stuck the magrav under my knees (I have knee pain) results.....I received a real care in the same way as that performed by a therapist... I felt all the fields from head to toe. Very pleasant.

Then I completely immersed myself in the water because I thought that the water was informed by all the fields by putting an intention "of perfect health to the standard of the creator". By getting out more knee pain and a feeling of lightness ( I am a woman with generous shapes and it cannot be said that lightness characterizes me)

When I emptied the water from the bath I put the intention for a purification of the water everywhere it goes and wherever it goes. This is my first bath with my magrav car. To be done again with joy. "
- Adeline

MaGrav Power maison
Luc hatterley - Thu January 17th Villeneuve-sur-Lot
Category: Energy

Original French:
"Nous avons branché depuis peu dans le laboratoire notre dispositif Magrav Power (magnétique/gravitationnel), sur deux frigos, nous l'avons placé le plus près possible d'un moteur dans le but de créer un échange plasma plus important.
Le Magrav Power va s’habituer aux cycles de déclenchement des frigos et va nanorevêtir en premier les moteurs électriques des frigos.Vous pouvez également le placer sur le dessus du frigo, cela fonctionne aussi.
Nous avons deux Magravs chez nous, réalisés artisanalement. Nous avons patienté 4 mois avant d'avoir les premiers résultats, aujourd'hui ils nous économisent environ 30 % de notre consommation et ils semblent se stabiliser.
Au delà de la simple économie, à chacun des branchements de nos Magravs et durant les 3 premiers jours qui ont suivi, nous avons ressenti au point de vue de l'énergie des changements notables. En effet il y a eu un temps d'adaptation à ce nouvel environnement qui s’est installé, plus harmonieux.

Pour décrire le ressenti, cela se rapproche d'un sentiment de paix, d'harmonie et d’enveloppement protecteur."

English translation:
"We recently connected our Magrav Power device (magnetic / gravitational) on two refrigerators, we placed it as close as possible to an engine in order to create a larger plasma exchange.
Magrav Power will become accustomed to the cycles of triggering fridges and will first nore the electric motors of fridges. You can also place it on the top of the fridge, it works too.

We have two Magravs at home, made by hand. We waited 4 months before the first results, today they save us about 30% of our consumption and they seem to stabilize.
Beyond the simple economy, at each branch of our Magravs and during the first 3 days that followed, we saw significant changes in energy.
Indeed there has been a time of adaptation to this new environment that has settled, more harmonious.

To describe the feeling, it comes close to a feeling of peace, harmony and protective wrap."

- Luc hatterley


pain pen contro cistite cronica
filippo - Wed January 16th italia
Category: Health

Original Italian: "salve dal 2015 seguo attentamente ogni conferenza del Dr keshe..un po incredulo e sciettico all'inizio ho decisio di verificare di persona quanto veniva esposto nei vari video...mi sono costruito la pain pen e lho utilizzata su mio padre che ormai da anni andava avanti con antibiotici a causa di una cistite che tornava dopo anche piccoli stress
Dopo poche applicazioni cioe 15 min per 5 giorni il problema è sparito ed ora sono 3 anni che mio padre non manifesta piu questi sintomi dolorosi"

English Translation:

Since 2015 I follow every conference of Dr Keshe .. a little incredulous and silly at the beginning I decided to personally verify what was shown in the various videos ... I built the pain pen and I used it on my father who by now, years went on with antibiotics due to a cystitis that returned after even minor stress.

After a few applications ie 15 min for 5 days the problem has disappeared, and now it is 3 years since my father no longer shows these painful symptoms!

- filippo


Plasma in agriculture
Radii Babanu - Tue December 11th Tiraspol, Republic of Moldova
Category: Gardening

Investigation of CH3, CO2, K, Mg and CONH GANSes effect on cucumber and tomato crops, in conditions of a garden in a private house.

Results of plasma ZNO, CO2 use
Claudia Tarcisia Tamas - Sun December 02nd Targu-Mures, Romania
Category: Health

TESTIMONIAL Claudia Tarcisia, 02.12.2018, Romania
Sub indrumarea d-lor Codarcea Vasile si Zoltan Szabo
Am ales sa aprofundez aceasta cunoastere in luna martie. De la acea data mi-am alocat parte din timp pentru studii si cercetari. Deoarece am inteles potentialul tehnologiei d-lui M.T. Keshe am impartasit cunoasterea si altor suflete.
In luna octombrie aproximativ, am facut o sinuzita, care s-a extins apoi cu simptome neplacute in gat si mai apoi au coborat si spre bronhii ..... Am refuzat categoric sa consult un specialist..... Obisnuiam deseori sa aplic tratamente fitoterapeutice si propolis in asemenea cazuri, dar de aceasta data nu au mai dat rezultate.... din disperare ca nu puteam respira din cauza nasului infundat, am pus apa plasmatica de ZnO, Co2 intr-un pulverizator si am pulverizat in fiecare nara aproximativ de 3 ori pe zi sau la nevoie..... Aceata apa plasmatica a fost creata impreuna de grupul din Targu-Mures, respectand intocmai indicatiile de pe pagina Fundatiei Keshe Romania, pentru producerea unui GANS de ZnO, Co2, cu intentia de a fi utila in probleme de sanatate.
Precizez ca, inainte sa aplic apa plasmatica aveam urmatoarele simptome: nas infundat, presiune in sinusuri, mucus galben transparent si abundent, febra, dureri in gat, stari de disconfort la nivelul plamanilor, senzatii de epuizare a energiei corpului.
Am utilizat apa plasmatica de ZnO si CO2 dupa cum urmeaza:
- pulverizare in nari
- pulverizare pe fata, deoarece simteam ca-mi arde toata fata
- pulvezizare pe gat si pe zona plamanilor
- pansamente plasmatice pe gat si pe zona plamanilor
- inhalatii cu inhalator facut de mine, cu apa plasmatica
- am baut apa structurata cu apa plasmatica, 20ml la 2litri de apa
Dupa utilizarea apei plasmatice si a pansamentelor plasmatice starea corpului a evoluat la:
- desfundarea nasului
- puroiul care a inceput sa se produca in mucus s-a resorbit, a devenit transparent si a ramas abundent doar cateva zile
- durerile in gat au disparut pe parcursul a 2/3 zile
- disconfortul din zona plamanilor au disparut dupa aproximativ 3/4 zile
- energia corpului a revenit la cote normale in 3/4 zile
Mentionez ca am exclus orice alt tratament pe perioada utilizarii apei plasmatice pentru a vedea rezultate concrete.
Un alt rezultat semnificativ l-am avut cu aceeasi apa plasmatica de ZnO, CO2, pulverizata de aceasta data pe un dinte, pentru a scapa de durerea mocnita pe care o aveam de doua zile disparut si reaparut simptomele cand pulverizam cu apa plasmatica, iar in a treia zi aproximativ au disparut de tot.... am pulverizat apa plasmatica de trei ori pe zi sau la nevoie.
Deoarece am experimentat pe propria piele aceasta tehnologie, adevarul descoperit pe aceasta cale este: Da, ea poate avea rezultate concrete!
Multumesc d-lui M.T. Keshe ca a facut posibil accesul nostru la cunoastere!
Multumesc Constantin Barbu ca mi-a adus cunoasterea in cale!
Multumesc Codarcea Vasile si Zoltan Szabo ca au fost alaturi de noi in explorarea acestei frumoase tehnologii!

TESTIMONIAL Claudia Tarcisia, 02.12.2018, Romania
Under the guidance of Mr. Codarcea Vasile and Zoltan Szabo
I chose to deepen this knowledge in March. Since that time I've been part of my time for studies and research. Because we understood the potential of M.T. Keshe shared knowledge with other souls.
In October I made a sinusitis, which then spread with unpleasant symptoms in the throat and then went down to the bronchi ..... I categorically refused to consult a specialist ..... I often used to apply phytotherapeutic treatments and propolis in such cases, but this time they did not work out ... desperately that we could not breathe because of the stuffy nose, we put the plasma water of ZnO, Co2 in a sprayer and sprayed in each nostril about 3 times a day or in need ..... This plasma water was created together by the Targu-Mures group, strictly following the instructions on the Keshe Romania Foundation page, for the production of a ZnO Co2 GANS with the intention to be useful in health problems.
I specify that before applying plasma water, I had the following symptoms: clogged nose, sinus pressure, transparent and abundant yellow mucus, fever, sore throat, discomfort in the lungs, body energy depletion sensations.
We used ZnO and CO2 plasma water as follows:
- spraying in your nostrils
- Spraying on the face, because I felt burning my face
- pulsation on the throat and on the area of ​​the lungs
- Plasma bandages on the neck and the lung area
- Inhaled inhalations made with me, with plasma water
- I drank the structured water with plasma water, 20ml to 2 liters of water
After use of plasma and plasma dressings, the body condition has evolved to:
- nose blinding
- the pus that began to produce in the mucus was resorbed, became transparent and abundant remained only a few days
- sore throats have disappeared during 2/3 days
- The discomfort of the lungs disappeared after about 3/4 days
- Body energy returned to normal odds in 3/4 days
I mention that we have excluded any other treatment during the use of plasma to see concrete results.
Another significant result I had with the same plasma ZnO, CO2, sprayed this time on a tooth to get rid of the pain we had for two days .... the symptoms disappeared and the symptoms recurred when we spraying with plasma water, and on the third day they almost disappeared ... I sprayed the plasma water three times a day or when needed.
Because we have experienced this technology on our own skin, the truth found on this path is: Yes, it can have concrete results!
Thank you M.T. Keshe has made our access to knowledge possible!
Thanks Constantin Barbu for bringing my knowledge in the way!
Thanks to Codarcea Vasile and Zoltan Szabo for being with us in exploring this beautiful technology!


health healing wounds
Marcin Zylik - Mon November 26th Puławy
Category: Health

Two weeks ago a cat scratched me. For a few days the wound looked normal and everything indicated that it would heal normally. 18. November morning the heat has become inflamed. There was a swelling and a red streak coming directly from the wound in the direction of the hand. For two consecutive days I instilled CO2 water directly on the wound to relieve pain and eliminate the infection. In addition, as far as possible and skills "I pulled out the fields" trying to balance the damaged place. On the third day the swelling clearly decreased, the redness completely subsided. The finger heals normally and in a few days there will be no trace of any wound.


Remisión de cancer
Kruger Sergio Javier - Wed November 21st Argentina , Mendoza
Category: Health

Remision de cancer de utero en mujer joven de 24 años de edad en dos meses, protocolo ingesta de plasma de CO2 30 cm cúbicos tres veces al dia, ingesta de bicarbonato de sodio; una cucharadita de te como medida en medio vaso de agua comun de surtidor tres veces al dia, uso de unidad de salud de fabricación propia según planos de la Fundación keshe compuesta por 6 bobinas tramsmisoras y 6 receptoras.

Remission of uterus cancer in a 24-year-old woman in two months, protocol plasma CO2 ingestion 30 cm cubic three times a day, sodium bicarbonate intake; a teaspoon of tea as a measure in half a glass of water common to the pump three times a day, use of a self-made health unit according to plans of the Keshe Foundation composed of 6 coils and 6 receiving transmitters.


Magnetic attraction
Zoltán Sándor Szabó - Wed October 31st Hungary
Category: Technology

Attempts from Mr. Adrian Folteanu's Experiments!

In the Romanian-language Keshe Study Group, Mr. Adrian Folteanu shared the influence of H2 GANS on ping-pong balls, wood and aluminum sheet pieces. I repeated this experiment by the means and capabilities of myself, as proof that all that the gentleman described was not a laziness, not magic, but the effect of magnetic field of gravity.

In the initial phase I used ping-pong balls that I filled with H2 GANS (with the black) and I spun a ball filled with water from GANS at a lower turn around near the ping-pong balls. Over the course of two weeks, it was filled with the above mentioned fields and gained extraordinary properties. THE MAGNET ATTRACT.

With this initial success, I put wood blocks in the glass bottle containing H2 GANS after I shook it thoroughly. (This GANS was obtained by using 3V and 1A using a graphite rod and a nano copper plate, and mixed with a naturally produced,whithout external power source - nano coated copper spring and galvanized nail, LED-limited and produced GANS- through)

The magnet also is ATTRACT the wood! I put different materials: plastic, cotton fiber, zinc plate (clean zinc) in the glass, and even with a slice of bread, mixing the sunken GANS in the frosted glass, which I then set aside to be fine next time. After a couple of days I was surprised to find that the GANS had a voltage of 8.4mV, while that part of the barrier that did not reach GANS was only 0.03mV!
Adrian Folteanu úr kísérleteinek igazolása!

A román nyelvű Keshe Tanulmányi csoportban osztotta meg Adrian Folteanu úr a H2 GANS hatását ping-pong golyókra, fára, és alumínium lemez darabkára. Ezt a kísérletet ismételtem meg a magam eszközeivel és képességeim szerint, bizonyításként, hogy : mindaz, amit az említett úriember bemutatott nem szemfényvesztés, nem mágia, hanem mágneses gravitációs mezők egymásra gyakorolt hatása. Kezdeti fázisban én is ping-pong golyókat használtam, amiket kifúrva megtöltöttem H2 GANS-al (azzal a feketével) leragasztottam és egy, a GANS-ról levett vízzel megtöltött golyócskát alacsonyabb fordulaton a ping-pong labdák közelében megpörgettem. Két hét leforgása alatt, feltöltődött a fent említett mezőkkel, és rendkívüli tulajdonságokra tett szert. A MÁGNES VONZZA! Ezen a kezdeti sikeren felbuzdulva, fadarabkát helyeztem a H2 GANS-ot tartalmazó befőttes üvegbe, azután, hogy azt alaposan felráztam. (Ezt a GANS-ot, grafít rúd és nano réz lemez felhasználásával, mintegy 3V és 1 A felhasználásával nyertem, valamint hozzákevertem a természetes módon előállított-külső áramforrás nélkül- nano bevonatos réz rugó és horganyzott szeg ,LED-el korlátolt és előállított GANS-át)
A fadarabkát is VONZZA a mágnes. Többféle anyagot : műanyagot, pamut szálat cinklemezt(tiszta horgany) helyeztem a befőttes üvegbe,sőt egy lécdarabkával, megkevertem a befőttes üvegben lévő leülepedett GANS-ot, amit aztán kivéve félretettem, hogy jó lesz majd a legközelebbi kavarásnál. Egy-két nap után meglepődve tapasztaltam, hogy a GANS-ba ért lécrész 8,4mV feszültséget, míg a léc azon részén, amelyik nem ért a GANS-ba, azon csupán 0,03 mV mutatható ki.


Stomach Cancer and Plasma
Marcin - Tue October 30th Poland
Category: Health


My name is Marcin and I am 32 years old. Less than a year ago, in November, two months after the birth of my daughter, my world turned 180 degrees. I learned that I have stomach cancer, a disease that affects people much older than me. I did not give up, I told myself I would win with this disease just for my child and wife. For our family.

The plan was simple, 3 cycles of chemotherapy, removal of the stomach and another 3 cycles of chemo. However, in my case, not everything went according to the plan. In February I was addmitted to the hospital with pulmonary embolism, and while in there got infected with sepsis and had a severe renal failure. Doctors from Intensive Care, did not give me too much chance of survival, they told my wife to prepare for the worst because my condition was critical. I do not remember much from that period, I was awake, but there was no contact with me, I lost consciousness. After less than a month, I left the hospital with muscle atrophy, I could not walk. I rehabilitated for 6 long weeks. Every day I was happy that I could take a step more, in the end I could set aside my zimmer frame and crouches and stand on my feet. The surgery was set for May. I was happy that the cancer-related nightmare will end soon and I will be able to enjoy life again.

However, even this time, not everything went my and doctors' way. During the operation, it turned out that the cancer spread on the peritoneum. The doctor's words after surgery: "You have 3 months, 4 months to live, please organize your home care, you will be fed enterally, because the cancer will close the esophagus again". My world has collapsed. How is it that I will not get to witness my child's first birthday? Pola (is her name) will not remember me? I decided that I would write letters to my beloved daughter so that her mother could read them to her, and later would pass them on to my angel on important occasions. It's hard to describe what I felt then. I broke down, I did not want to fight anymore, because there was no help for me anyway.

The wife did not give up. She looked for help everywhere, and that's how we found Mr. Mirek, a man thanks to whom I now describes my story, 6 months after the surgery. Mirek gave me GANSes, small vials with substances that I had to throw into a bottle of water and drink it. He explained to me that a lot depends on what's in one's head, gave me hope, hope that I will live.

Today, after half a year of drinking GANS water, I can say that I am healthy - this is what the CT scan and the oncologist said, who himself was surprised that the cancer that was to grow quickly and attack other organs disappeared, just like that. I know it's thanks to Mirek and the GANSes I got from him. I am in 2% of patients with stomach cancer who beat it. Now standard checks every 8 weeks, because there is a possibility that the cancer will relapse, but I know that while drinking GANSes this will not happen.

Thanks to them, I lived to see my child's first birthday, I am functioning like a normal healthy guy, I look so good that doctors and nurses who pass me in the hospital corridor are shocked that I look so good, that I'm not in hospice, that I am alive. I sincerely recommend GANSes to all who suffer not only for cancer, I know that thanks to them I live and enjoy this life, and I do not just happen to exist. [medical test results available in the Polish language]
