(English translation)
October 11, 2018 Testimony concerning a reactor. For 15 days I started a small reactor made in China transmitted by Hadile. With the intention being PEACE, I put the CO2 gale waters and AA water. From the start it worked very well. We tested its radiation at 4,300 km (* 1) around its position. It was interesting to see that the revolutions / minutes sometimes went up very quickly then stagnated and in parallel the number of Km traveled increased then stagnated also at times. (We calculated that the radiation had to work in conflict zones where cleaning is necessary, hence the momentary stagnation). When the radiation reached 4,300 km I slowed down the reactor and then extinguished. (We felt very strong vibrations). The next day I put it back on the road and this time it was above Magrav connected to the Magrav and I also plugged my live box on the Magrav. This time the radiation reached 10 000 km (it rose to 90 000 km a few days later when my intention was to extend the peace by amplifying the 4 reactors of Joel We started them at the same time). Since 2 days I have fed the magrav and the reactor of the particular intention on Burkina Faso and all the regions of the earth in conflict. A friend came to know the reactor she found very beautiful with its flying saucer shape. I told him that at times I felt he was going to fly. She wanted to explain to me in detail what is happening in Burkina Faso but at that moment the reactor which turned at more or less 13 000 revolutions / minutes made a very fast jump up (50cm above its position initial) to fall to the ground. A slight smell of warmth emanated from it. Nothing is broken but the ball is blocked. An hour later I tried to turn it on again, it went up to 9 rev / min and then reset to 0. I will test tomorrow but I have the impression that the Magrav does not act either. To be continued. Corine P.
* (1) Tested by Fabienne L.B., therapist and radesthesist.
Le 11 octobre 2018 Témoignage concernant un réacteur. Depuis 15 jours j’ai mis en route un petit réacteur fabriqué en Chine transmis par Hadile. L’intention étant la PAIX, j’ai mis l’eaux de gans de CO2 et l’eau des AA. Dès le démarrage il a fonctionné très bien. Nous avons testé son rayonnement à 4 300 km (*1) autour de sa position.Il était intéressant de voir que les tours/minutes montaient quelquefois très vite puis stagnaient et parallèlement le nombre de Km parcourus augmentaient puis stagnaient également par moments. (Nous avons calculé que le rayonnement devait travailler dans des zones de conflits où un nettoyage est nécessaire, d’où la stagnation momentanée). Lorsque le rayonnement a atteint 4.300 km j’ai ralenti le réacteur puis éteint. (Nous nous sentions dans de très fortes vibrations). Le lendemain je l’ai remis en route et cette fois il était posé au dessus du Magrav branché sur le Magrav et j’ai également branché ma live Box sur le Magrav. Cette fois le rayonnement a atteint 10 000 km (il est monté à 90 000 km quelques jours plus tard lorsque mon intention était d’étendre la paix en amplifiant les 4 réacteurs de Joël. Nous les avons mis en route en même temps). Depuis 2 jours j’ai alimenté le magrav et le réacteur de l’intention particulière sur le Burkina Faso et toutes les régions de la terre en conflit. Une amie est venue faire la connaissance du réacteur qu’elle a trouvé très beau avec sa forme de soucoupe volante. Je lui ai dit que par moment j’avais l’impression qu’il allait s’envoler. Elle a voulu m’expliquer en détail ce qui se passe au Burkina Faso mais à ce moment là le réacteur qui tournait à plus ou moins 13 000 tours/minutes a fait un bond très rapide vers le haut (50cm au-dessus de sa position initiale) pour tomber au sol. Une légère odeur de chauffe s’en dégageait. Rien n’est cassé mais la boule est bloquée. Une heure après j’ai tenté de le rallumer, il est monté à 9 tours/min puis s’est remis à 0. Je testerai demain mais j’ai l’impression que le Magrav n’agit plus non plus. A suivre. Corine P.
*(1) Testé par Fabienne L.B., thérapeute et radesthésiste.
[Recent report of Car Magrav Japanese v.1]
Today I traveled by 82 km for driving, fuel efficiency was 17.4 km / l, and electricity cost was 6.1 km / kwh. In the past, it was about 11 to 13 km / l for fuel economy. Ever since the new Car Magrav was directly connected to the battery and the body of the car, fuel efficiency has been improved obviously. I am particularly surprised recently that the battery has become sustainable. Because I keep on driving the same car everyday, I know that clearly. Especially, the charge amount of the electricity is reduced(5.6kwh→3.9kwh). But it can run the same mileage or more as before. Recently, I notice the effect of Car Magrav remarkably. If this is the case, the effects of PCU (Plasma Capacitor Unit) to the car can be expected quite considerably.
Hi free energy friends!
Since the end of september 2016 I have made in my car 2 CO2 Gans balls. After some days I noticed already a more economic use of my car. The longer it is in my car, the more economic. I drive on Highways now 300-400 km more and on second roads 200-300 km more.
In Germany, in October 2015 I was involved in an accident on the highway. Cars were bump into other cars, next-in front and behind me and I thought: "I do not want that my car breaks down" and from that moment my car took me over "danced" through all the broken cars, it was as a dream and about 300 m later I noticed that the impossible is possible.
Thank you plasma energy!
My 19 year old car VW Polo SDI Family Year of construction 1997 consumed on 100 km only 4.5 l diesel. Property filled completely 100 km drove and then fully refilled exactly 4.5 l then the tank was full again.
There are 2 18 winding coils coated one on the left and a right turn filled with CO2 and CUO gans soaked with a foam in the coils on my battery, Co 2 gans in engine oil, 3 gans and tungsten carbide gans 20ml in the tank, a generator with plasma ball filled with CH3 and lead Gans, and 2 capacitors (right and left wound connection to the cigarette lighter, above the roof the same distance, 4 glass spheres filled with CH3, CUO2, ZNCO2 and gold gans, in the middle there is still a lead Gans ball.
In the windshield wiper system, Co2 has gans water.
I wash my car only with Liquid Plasma water, it remains long shining and it adheres much less dirt to it.
On the ground is a V2.1 plasma generator. On the Car battery hanging also 2 glass vials with coated copper spiral 18 turns in leadigans and CH3 gans filled.
The engine now runs extremely quietly and the drive when driving away and clutching better than ever before he purrs like a kitten!
I have made here an interesting experience with my 7 year old diesel car (Ford Galaxy). I about 2 months ago built the "rotating Car Unit" and, 3 weeks ago 2 crumbs CO² goose in the tank in my car. (Presumably, the goose has the Diesel never reached, because I have not Fuelled more ...) I drive so about every 14 days times the same distance (176 km away. The route consists of roads, highways, local areas.) From on-board computer the route is calculated that I can still go to this tank. Since the tank to approximately 75% was empty, this value is relatively accurate. So I write to me on the value at the departure and upon arrival. I had been amazed. The value upon arrival was higher than at the exit! Namely, a 34 km More. That means this ride would have no fuel comsumption! On the contrary, it would be even added fuel. My car usage 6 liters per 100km. This means there are added about 2 liters. The driving experience has also changed. In the way that I need more brakes or I must continue to look into the future to achieve the same procedure as before. Pretty cool !!! ;-) My theory this would be: The rotating stuffed with goose table tennis ball can be seen as a flywheel, similar to Stefan Marinov explains in his books. Only that is not as Iron forms the mass but the plasma field is created that ...
Editor note: Rest of text cut off.
Last November, I clamped 1 CW and 1CCW Nano cooper coils to the battery . On Saturday I hung 2 Stacker to two cigartett-lighter (the ones wich are permantent connected to the battery) drove to the gas-station tank up and resetet my meter from 7.7 liter to 0. After about 120 km on the road 6.4 liters average consumption . I never had seen this before .... then on the highway about 120-130 km/hour ... 230 km ... and still 6.6 liters . Full awesome it works . After about 730 km further 6.7 liter average fuel consumption ! Being an entrepreneur would like to sell magravs to truckingcompanies etc. now. .-D Thanks to Mr. Keshe and all people for their help ..and Peter from the Netherlands for his inspiration !
Last November, I clamped 1 CW and 1CCW Nano cooper coils to the battery . On Saturday I hung 2 Stacker to two cigartett-lighter (the ones wich are permantent connected to the battery) drove to the gas-station tank up and resetet my meter from 7.7 liter to 0. After about 120 km on the road 6.4 liters average consumption . I never had seen this before .... then on the highway about 120-130 km/hour ... 230 km ... and still 6.6 liters . Full awesome it works . After about 730 km further 6.7 liter average fuel consumption ! Being an entrepreneur would like to sell magravs to truckingcompanies etc. now. .-D Thanks to Mr. Keshe and all people for their help ..and Peter from the Netherlands for his inspiration !
Facebook gallery: https://www.facebook.com/klaus.baltzer/media_set?set=a.10203968496291638.1073741827.1799577004&type=3&pnref=story
I have had this set up on the car now for a few months...nano coated wires wrapped to the battery connections and C02 Gans strapped to the top of the battery. the car doesn't do a lot of milage...more or less just up and down the mountain every other day, so she doesn't get pushed hard very often. i can't say that i have noticed reduced fuel consumption, but she is definitely feeling lighter, smoother and for an old car is feeling quite responsive....C02 in the gas tank next...i love plasma!