
Keshe Foundation Testimonials

Acceleration for Gans CO2 production with the use of a 1.5V battery
dante - Sat December 28th Italia
Category: Technology

This method is used to produce CO2 GaNS more or less (CO2 85% and Zn15%) .
In a plastic container I immersed in a 6% NaCl salt solution, two plates: one zinc and one copper-nanocovered, connecting them to a 1.5 Volts battery.
The experiment allowed me to see how the flow propagates during GaNS formation.

Grateful for Keshe Plasma Teachings
Bente Petersen - Mon May 06th Denmark
Category: Technology

I am sitting studying Mr. Keshe Book 2 ''The Structure of Light'' chapter 3 and 4 on Gans - what it is and how and why its produced etc... and I look at all my books and notes on especially Physics I made on my full time study for 4 years... 2013 through 2016... and honestly THAT STUFF IS SO OBSOLETE ... When I retired there was something very specific I wanted to know... so upgraded my Physics and Math knowledge (from 1960) enrolled in the most progressive university in Denmark - 'Molecular Biology' I thought would be the answer - but OMG after 6 months I realized I wasn't going to get to know what I wanted to know this way !!! Then studied ''at home'' full time Biology, Chemistry, Physics - that latter (Physics) took me to all sorts of interesting stuff... but left me with more questions !!! Obviously... until I 'discovered' MT KESHE Plasma Science ... and my questions started getting answered ... about the universe(s) - about life in all its forms - it just makes so much sense - Lucky me :-) :-) :-) AND THANKS A MILLION TO Mr. Keshe ... and to all the people who have helped and are helping to get the Science known !!!!!

- Bente Petersen


Création de GANS CH3
Franck - Tue February 05th France - Lot-et-Garonne
Category: Technology

Bonjour à tous, je vous présente ma production de CH3 faite en août 2018. J’avoue que j’ai mis des intentions très particulières pour la créer, mais le résultat fût au-delà de mes espérances . Car de suite après la création et les acides aminés retirés , je l’ai mis dans le bocal puis remué énergiquement, le GANS s’est séparé en deux avec des échanges magnétique gravitationnel du haut vers le bas et du bas vers le haut peu importe la taille des GANS dans leur déplacement, enfin tout cela s’est stabilisé entre une à deux minutes, puis plus de GANS entre les deux couches du haut et du bas. A chaque fois que je secouais le bocal, les GANS se divisaient en deux couches bien distinctes cela a duré trois jours consécutifs.
Si quelqu’un pouvait m’apporter plus d’explications je suis ouvert à la discussion.
Merci à Maylis et Luc pour m’avoir initié à la technologie …et un très grand merci à Mr Keshe pour ses découvertes extraordinaires !

(English Translation)
Hello everyone, I present my production of CH3 made in August 2018. I admit that I put very special intentions to create it, but the result was beyond my expectations. Because after the creation and the amino acids removed, I put it in the jar and then stirred energetically, the GANS split in two with gravitational magnetic exchanges from top to bottom and bottom to top no matter the size of the GANS in their displacement, finally all this stabilized between one to two minutes, then more GANS between the two layers of the top and bottom. Whenever I shook the jar, the GANS were divided into two distinct layers that lasted three consecutive days.
If anyone could bring me more explanations I am open to discussion.
Thanks to Maylis and Luc for introducing me to the technology ... and a big thank you to Mr Keshe for his extraordinary discoveries!

Source: YouTube

Source: Facebook


Magnetic attraction
Zoltán Sándor Szabó - Wed October 31st Hungary
Category: Technology

Attempts from Mr. Adrian Folteanu's Experiments!

In the Romanian-language Keshe Study Group, Mr. Adrian Folteanu shared the influence of H2 GANS on ping-pong balls, wood and aluminum sheet pieces. I repeated this experiment by the means and capabilities of myself, as proof that all that the gentleman described was not a laziness, not magic, but the effect of magnetic field of gravity.

In the initial phase I used ping-pong balls that I filled with H2 GANS (with the black) and I spun a ball filled with water from GANS at a lower turn around near the ping-pong balls. Over the course of two weeks, it was filled with the above mentioned fields and gained extraordinary properties. THE MAGNET ATTRACT.

With this initial success, I put wood blocks in the glass bottle containing H2 GANS after I shook it thoroughly. (This GANS was obtained by using 3V and 1A using a graphite rod and a nano copper plate, and mixed with a naturally produced,whithout external power source - nano coated copper spring and galvanized nail, LED-limited and produced GANS- through)

The magnet also is ATTRACT the wood! I put different materials: plastic, cotton fiber, zinc plate (clean zinc) in the glass, and even with a slice of bread, mixing the sunken GANS in the frosted glass, which I then set aside to be fine next time. After a couple of days I was surprised to find that the GANS had a voltage of 8.4mV, while that part of the barrier that did not reach GANS was only 0.03mV!
Adrian Folteanu úr kísérleteinek igazolása!

A román nyelvű Keshe Tanulmányi csoportban osztotta meg Adrian Folteanu úr a H2 GANS hatását ping-pong golyókra, fára, és alumínium lemez darabkára. Ezt a kísérletet ismételtem meg a magam eszközeivel és képességeim szerint, bizonyításként, hogy : mindaz, amit az említett úriember bemutatott nem szemfényvesztés, nem mágia, hanem mágneses gravitációs mezők egymásra gyakorolt hatása. Kezdeti fázisban én is ping-pong golyókat használtam, amiket kifúrva megtöltöttem H2 GANS-al (azzal a feketével) leragasztottam és egy, a GANS-ról levett vízzel megtöltött golyócskát alacsonyabb fordulaton a ping-pong labdák közelében megpörgettem. Két hét leforgása alatt, feltöltődött a fent említett mezőkkel, és rendkívüli tulajdonságokra tett szert. A MÁGNES VONZZA! Ezen a kezdeti sikeren felbuzdulva, fadarabkát helyeztem a H2 GANS-ot tartalmazó befőttes üvegbe, azután, hogy azt alaposan felráztam. (Ezt a GANS-ot, grafít rúd és nano réz lemez felhasználásával, mintegy 3V és 1 A felhasználásával nyertem, valamint hozzákevertem a természetes módon előállított-külső áramforrás nélkül- nano bevonatos réz rugó és horganyzott szeg ,LED-el korlátolt és előállított GANS-át)
A fadarabkát is VONZZA a mágnes. Többféle anyagot : műanyagot, pamut szálat cinklemezt(tiszta horgany) helyeztem a befőttes üvegbe,sőt egy lécdarabkával, megkevertem a befőttes üvegben lévő leülepedett GANS-ot, amit aztán kivéve félretettem, hogy jó lesz majd a legközelebbi kavarásnál. Egy-két nap után meglepődve tapasztaltam, hogy a GANS-ba ért lécrész 8,4mV feszültséget, míg a léc azon részén, amelyik nem ért a GANS-ba, azon csupán 0,03 mV mutatható ki.


Gans Mix on Fan Motor
Günther Blum - Mon November 13th Austria
Category: Technology

Günther Blum's Gans Rotation pictures and video from April 27 2016:

Knowledge seeker
Iman Alipour - Tue January 10th Iran
Category: Technology

Unofficial online student and knowledge seeker with connect to Mrs Carolina and Mr Farhad Amini. Also researcher about new methods and the contact between the plasma knowledge and Iranian traditions.


Daniel Linängen - Thu October 27th Sweden, Helsingborg
Category: Technology

I'll start working with Earth Energy Grid, including: Curry lines, Hartman lines, Leylines, Underground Water Energies, Broken Earth Meridian System, Manmade Negative Energies (cellponetowers, microwave, etc..) Material Bounded Negative Energy, Vortex Portals, Spirit Energies and so on and on. Creative Earths Energy once again sustainable to still as an carbonbased living creature, to live on.

hovering of Ganspaste in Gansball and Fielddetection
Peter Salocher - Fri February 12th Moniholz, Austria
Category: Technology

I have only made a one stacker unit so far an had it for four weeks on the grid. Observed energysavings and the Ganspaste did clime up verticaly. Then i could see that this vitalityweel also react with the magravcoil and the Magravcoil with my hand. Amazing Also i could see that a normal extensionwire must have been coated so far, cause also without Magrav, the energy savings get better and better from day to day.

Knowledge Sharing: Caribean sea water for Copper Oxide gans.
Oscar Zozaya Doering - Fri February 12th Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Category: Technology

Caribean sea water has more density than many other seas. Instead of 0.5A and 1.5V for copper oxide production, switch to 0.3 Amps and 6.6 Volts, Gans production is same as fast, but you are safer getting all the time the green-blue oxide copper.

Sharing knowledge. Fast surface preparation for new, used or contaminated copper.
Oscar Zozaya Doering - Fri February 12th Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Category: Technology

2 - 3 minutes procedure to clean copper before steam nanocoating. Dilute little phosphoricc acid with clean water, submerge, if necesary wipe impurities, rinse with clean water and dry or let dry. From here, ready to steam nanocoat. If your copper has oil, you can add little detergent or soap to acid-water solution. 24 hour dipping in coustic not necesary. Impure industrial phosphoric acid will work, Other none corrosive acids should work, like citric acid. Also good for cleaning used copper, 1 minutes cleans old nanocoating.