
Keshe Foundation Testimonials

Experience of Manufacturing Gans
Hadile Igar - Thu June 27th
Category: Various

Bonjour, je vous envoie mon expérience de fabrication de gans de gans.

Sur la photo, a gauche le petit flacon remplie d’eau plasma et très peut de gans de CO2.
A droite le petit flacon et remplie de gans de CO2 et très peut d’eau plasma.
Le flacon au centre est remplie d’eau distillé et de sel environ 20%.
Les 2 petits flacons sont relié par un file de cuivre nano-revêtu de Graphene.
Apres 2 mois on peux voir la création du nouveau gans.

Merci, a tous.
Hadile Igar

Hello, I am sending you my experience of manufacturing Gans

On the picture, on the left is the small bottle filled with plasma water and very few CO2 Gans.
On the right is the small bottle filled with CO2 and very little plasma water.
The bottle in the centre is filled with distilled water and salt about 20%.
The 2 small vials are connected by a copper wire nano-coated with Graphene.
After 2 months we can see the creation of the new Gans.

Thank you, all of you.
Hadile Igar

Washer Detergent Balls Experiment
Elizabeth Mewhinney - Thu March 28th Newmarket, ON, Canada
Category: Various

Washer Detergent Ball Experiment
I understand that plasma fields can cleanse water. I have been wondering about the cleansing effect of plasma fields on solid matter? I had a thought about making a GaNS of laundry detergent and putting it in balls or and to put ting the balls in the washer with the laundry. I was wondering if fields would clean clothes without any detergent touching them, just like vitamins can be absorbed into the body through the fields without ingesting them.
Aviram suggested trying 2 balls with just LP-CO2 and LP-CuO in 2 different concentrations and spinning them in the washing machine.
I went to the dollar store and bought dog balls. I drilled a hole in each and injected 30 mL of CO2 and 30 mL of CuO into one ball and 10 mL of CO2 and 10 mL of CuO into the other ball. I sealed them with hot glue.

I placed the two balls in the washer with white rags (the kind you buy in bulk at automotive stores like Canadian Tire). On one, I put mud from the garden, on the second one, I put vegetable oil, on the third, blueberry juice, on the fourth, mustard and on the fifth, ketchup. I put the cloths through a normal wash cycle with the balls, using cold water, without detergent or softener.

It quickly became evident that the balls were too heavy, so I turned off the spin cycle. At the end of the wash, the mud and oil cloths were clean, which could have been due to the water used and maybe some residual detergent from previous washes. The ketchup was almost clean, with a slight reddish tint in some places, but the mustard and blueberry had definite yellow and blue stains.

So, my conclusions were that I would need to find different containers for the plasma water. I remember some years ago seeing small plastic balls with rubber "fingers" on them that were used in the dryer to remove static electricity. I think those balls with the "fingers" might be better, if I could find them.

I went to Petsmart and bought a couple of these balls for my next try for washer balls.

I made a detergent and whitener mix – the amount called for a washer load - and added CO2 and CuO in a 3:1 ratio and topped up with water. After shaking it and allowing it to sit for a couple of days, I injected one ball with 30 mL and one with 10 mL of the mixture. That worked much better. These balls are soft enough that they do not bang around in the washer. The hot glue seal is holding up well.

The mud and oil cloths were cleaned, and the ketchup stain was almost eliminated. The stains of mustard and blueberry were still evident.

I wondered about presoaking the stains in water with balls. It helped a little but did not eliminate the mustard and blueberry stains.

Next I made a spray bottle of 1 cup CO2 and a scoop the whitener in a spray bottle. I filled it up with filtered water and let it sit overnight. I tried spraying it on the stains. The result was that the yellow in the mustard stain came out - it disappeared immediately. However, there appeared in its place, a red stain. Strange! The ketchup stain worked well, but there was a little blueberry stain left. I ran them through the washer with the balls again. When they came out, the mustard stain was yellow again. The blueberry stain was a greyish brown colour but definitely improved.

The original dog balls have not gone to waste. I put them in the hot tub to see if they will improve water quality and reduce the amount of chemicals that were needed.

Well, the preliminary results on the balls in the hot tub are in. After two days with the balls in the tub, we had a water test done and we needed about a half of the chemicals that we usually require.

One lady in our group reported this morning that her friend with cancer, that she has been making pain patches for, was back to see the doctor. He had had swollen kidneys and now they are not swollen at all. The doctor was surprised and noted that he was doing something differently.


Resumé d’experiences depuis 2017
Kim GOSSE - Thu March 07th France
Category: Various

Je m’intéresse à la technologie du plasma depuis 2016/17. Grâce à diverse vidéos sur You Tube et au site des Laurentides, j’ai pu faire mes expériences. Merci pour ces vidéos et ce site, il m’a bien rendu service pour étudier la technologie de Mr Kesh que je remercie aussi.
Mr Kesh a demandé d’avoir des infos de nos avancements sur la technologie, ainsi je vous présente mes expériences/ressentis. Elles sont résumées dans des cahiers 2017 et 2018.Il y a une traduction pour le cahier 2018, les titres du sommaire sont reliés à leurs pages respectives.

J’ai découvert la technologie plasma fin 2016, grâce à un stylo de soin qu’un compagnon d’Aïkido m’a offert. Le stylo n’a eu aucun effet, j’ai même dû cesser l’Aikido après plus de 20 ans de pratique (J’ai remplacé par du qi gong en autodidacte). Mais, je me suis engouffrée dans l’étude de cette technologie portée par un souffle d’espoir pour une humanité plus joyeuse, sujet qui me ronge l’esprit depuis longtemps.
Ainsi, j’ai visionné tous les ateliers français et expérimenté pratiquement tout sans obtenir d’électricité :
Année 2017
- le magrav : j’ai juste fait sauter les plombs. Par contre, les bobines nanocotés par le feu ont dégagée une odeur apaisante d’herbe balsamique
-Batterie HS : Impossible de redonner vie
-Piège à eau : Impossible de fabriquer de l’eau ;
- Chauffage : avec des patches aux murs et les bouteilles de plasma, plutôt sensation de frais. Par contre l’eau de vidange du ballon de chaudière d’habitude opaque au bout d’un an était limpide.
-V2 : inefficaces sur voiture et chaudière. Par contre :
Dans la voiture de mon fils = développement d’expériences spirituelles, visualisation de mouvements énergétiques...mais il a parallèlement d’autres activités énergétiques
Dans ma voiture et suite à des méditations sur émotions + et – proposées par Caroline Kesh = Formation d’un tore à partir du centre de mon cerveau qui s’est installé toute la journée, je n’ai pas réussi à revivre l’expérience
- stylos et des patchs : J’en ai distribué un grand nombre avec notice sans retour, cette technologie n’a pas fait d’émule dans ma région 94. Ma famille plutôt ouverte d’esprit (reiki, acuponcture...) est très sceptique Malgré tout, mon mari avoue qu’il sent l’énergie sortir des stylos qui lui ont soulagé dos et genou. Pour la guérison ; il s’en tient à la médecine traditionnelle.
-Les gans : la fabrication des gans est une belle expérience avec toutes ses couleurs, cette matière qui se créée, qui parfois ondule comme une méduse, un beau spectacle.
Le problème est que tous mes liquides se plasmatisaient. J’ai dû changer les formules de mes cosmétiques maisons et je me suis dit qu’il fallait arrêter de jouer à l’apprenti sorcier. Si les gans sont vivants, pas la peine de leur infliger la vie terme de cette dimension.
Ainsi, j’ai continué à travailler avec mes gans sans en produire d’autres, sauf par nécessité comme cet été pour le deutérium et tritium.
-Coupes de vie : pas de transfert de goût avec l’orange
-Santé :
J’ai arrêté les statines contre le cholestérol et le levothyrox contre l’hypothyroïdie.
A la place, je bois tous les matins au levé, l’eau de la coupe de vie infusé de tubes de PL de propolis, lithotome, ail, gelée royale, complexe articulaire : les effets secondaires provoqués par les médicaments
(troubles oculaires, douleur articulaire et de tendon, crampes...) sont devenus rares.
De plus comme, il faut boire beaucoup pour éviter les crampes, je déjeune d’une soupe chinoise et d’infusions composé de l’eau d’un pichet d’1.7l avec les 3 gans +PL morenga, gelé royale et spiruline.
J’ai l’impression d’être en meilleur santé.
Par contre, sont apparues des problèmes de mémoires assez handicapants
-Brûlure : à cause des problèmes de mémoire, j’ai pris à pleine main une marmite sortie du four. J’ai aussitôt aspergé de Pl co2 plusieurs fois de suite, le temps de finir mes préparations culinaires, pensant soigner plus tard avec l’argile. Ce fut inutile, il n’y avait aucune trace, aucune douleur, aucun picotement. Il y avait toute ma famille, incrédule, qui n’a pas cru que je n’étais brûlée.

-Depuis qu’il y a du plasma dans toute la maison, l’ambiance est beaucoup plus sereine dans la maison et dans la vie en générale.
-Pour saler l’eau des productions de gans, j’utilise les résurgences de sel créées par les premiers gans.
-Nanocotage à la soude :
Cuivre imbibé de soude dans bocal fermé, puis au soleil = noir en 2h l’été
-cases de 50 petites boites en séries : aucune production d’énergie, l’eau s’est évaporée pour fabriquer du sel à l’extérieur. Et, en coulant dans une bouteille, un cristal cubique est apparu
- cases de 25 petits bols en séries avec un aimant sous chaque pot, il n’y a pas eu de production de gans, ni d’énergie. Mais cette année en déplaçant le kit pour l’accrocher au mur, j’ai remarqué des gouttes, elles terriblement amers.
-Jardin et plantes d’intérieure: installation des tuyaux de pl co2 sur la périphérie et tubes ch3 , cuo
Dans l’aquarium intérieur, 2 bacs de récupération d’eau, 2 poubelles servant de bac à poisson et dans un bassin à poisson d’1 m3 : tubes ch3 , cuo, co2 et cuivre nano = eau claire, peu de saleté
Année 2018
-Jardin et plantes d’intérieure: végétation luxuriante, même pour des fougères installées au nord.
Nouveau bac avec tubes ch3 , cuo, co2 pour les tomates = après 25 ans, 1er récolte de tomates, de kiwi et des raisins. Les autres semis ont étés mangés par les limaces.
Invasions des chats du quartier, nous avons fermé la chatière
Les barres de renfort d’1 récupérateur d’eau se sont nanocotées de deutérium : une substance réagissant aux aimants. (j’ai utilisé cette matière pour les connecteurs plasmiques)
-Installation d’une colonne d’1 MAGRAV/ système perle/formation étoile sans gans: branchement en attente car je n’ai pas compris le plan sur les transistors, mon mari a commandé les pièces et dit qu’un des éléments ne se fabrique plus.
La formation étoile est composé de 2 « enjoliveurs » en cuivre nanotés à la soude puis au chalumeau. Ils sont passés par des couleurs magnifiques. Après coup, je regrette d’avoir persisté à vouloir du noir absolu. Je pense que j’aurais dû arrêter de les chauffer quand la couleur argent/arc en ciel était à son apogée pour l’un et dorée/arc en ciel pour l’autre. Nota : Je suis plus à la recherche de l’esthétique que du gain d’énergie.
-Installation horizontale de 2MAGRAV autour réacteur Crobon et formation étoile avec gans au-dessus: idem pour les enjoliveurs.
Le réacteur Crobon ne tourne pas, il est trop lourd. Actuellement, j’essaie de le faire tourner avec des aimants.
Dans la boule haute de la formation étoile, une matière rouille s’est développée à partir du cheveu
Un attendant l’inspiration pour les mettre route, je pose mes patchs dessus pour les recharger
J’ai pesé ses ensemble plusieurs fois, ils n’ont jamais le même poids.
-Batterie HS : nouvel essai sans résultat
-Batterie plasmique : sans résultat, sinon des chiffres en mouvance constante
-réacteurs voitures : fabrication de 3 réacteurs, avec 1 patch de co2 dans le bouchon collé au ventilateur, entouré d’un tube de co2 entouré de fil nano. J’ai oublié de noter le contenu des boules il semble que pour les voitures ce soit pl ch3 + pl co2 + pl essence et pour ma salle de classe pl co2/zn
Résultat d’après mon mari 20% d’économie sur le diésel et sur la voiture au gaz
Année 2019
-Fabrication d’un grand soleil central en point haut avec au centre un mini soleil de ch3 -bien-être dès l’installation
-Au 4 coins mini soleils avec au centre une améthyste- mal de tête après l’installation
-Au RDC, 4 coins mini soleils avec au centre un quartz rose-mal de tête après dès l’installation et accentuée avec les intentions,
Installation des soleils avec l’intention de paix, amour, joie, harmonie, vitalité, lucidité, vérité, santé : les soleils ont tourné/oscillé (visible sur vidéo) , sauf celui caché par le mobilier.
Ils ont aussi dansé avec la musique
Depuis l’installation des soleils, la fatigue est importante, mais mes nuits presque toutes complètes
J’ai fabriqué 6 autres mini soleils sans cœur, destinés au jardin. Je les installerais quand les conditions se présenteront.
Pour cette composition, les gans sont de la même production mais du plus en plus faible du haut vers le bas.
-KIT CHAUFFAGE : en triangle co2, cuo, ch3 sur les pignons sud et nord de la maison

Rythme de production long à cause:
-des périodes de fatigues paralysantes comme si l’énergie œuvrait,
-Il faut saisir l’occasion d’être en bonne forme pour travailler le plasma
-Avec mon travail au lycée, la production se réduit aux vacances
Pour communiquer avec les plasmas et autres, je limite mes intentions à l’installation des énergies de paix, amour, joie, harmonie, vitalité, lucidité, vérité, santé, réussite, humour. Si la maison doit chauffer, ce sera par l’installation de l’harmonie suivant la volonté cosmique, la sagesse cosmique et l’amour cosmique, comme pour le Reiki. Nota : je vais ajouter les énergies de bienêtre et générosités.
L’énergie sait où elle va et ce qu’elle doit faire. Je ne me sens pas de demander quoique ce soit à mon ego. A mon sens, l’ego est facteur de déséquilibre qu’il soit dans l’obscurité comme dans la lumière.

Je remercie mille fois Mr Kesh pour ce qu’il a offert. Je ne suis pas toujours d’accord à l'encontre de son regard sur l’humanité, à me demander s’il ne teste pas nos capacités de discernement.
Bravo et mille mercis à toute l’équipe française de la fondation Kesh dont Giani et Geta, vous êtes merveilleux avec votre bonne entente, les ateliers énergies, santé, résonnance, les résumés....
Bravo et mille mercis à Aviram et son équipe, le site des Laurentides est un bien précieux.

Traduction avec google
I am interested in plasma technology since 2016/17. With the various videos on YouTube and the site of Laurentides, I was able to do my experiments. Thank for these videos and this site, it has done me a good service to study the technology of Mr. Kesh.
Mr. Kesh asked for information on our advances in technology, as well as my experiences / feelings. They are summarized in the 2017 and 2018 notebooks. There is a translation for the 2018 booklet, the titles of the summary are linked to their respective pages.
I discovered plasma technology at the end of 2016, with a pen that an Aikido companion offered me. The pen had no effect, I even had to stop Aikido after more than 20 years of practice (I replaced with qi gong self-taught). But, I rushed into the study of this technology carried by a breath of hope for a happier humanity, a subject that gnaws my mind since a long time.
So , I saw all the French workshops and experienced virtually everything without obtaining any electricity:
Year 2017
- the magrav: I blew the sinkers. On the other hand, the coils nanocote with the fire gave off a soothing odor of balsamic grass
-Batterie HS: Impossible to give life back
-Water board: Can’t make water;
- Heating: with patches on the walls and plasma bottles, rather fresh feeling. On the other hand, the emptying water of the normally opaque boiler balloon after one year was crystal clear.
-V2: inefficient on car and boiler. On the other hand :
In my son's car = development of spiritual experiences, visualization of energy movements ... but it also has other energy activities
In my car and following meditations on emotions + and - proposed by Caroline Kesh = Formation of a torus in the center of my brain that settled all day, I have not managed to relive the experience.
In my car and following meditations on emotions + and - proposed by Caroline Kesh = Formation of a torus from the center of my brain that settled all day, I have not managed to relive the experience
- Pens and patches: I have distributed a large number with record without return, this technology has not been emulated in my region 94. My family rather open-minded (reiki, acupuncture ...) is very skeptical.
Nevertheless, my husband admits that he feels the energy coming out of the pens that have relieved his back and knee. For healing; he sticks to traditional medicine.
-The gans: the manufacture of the gans is a beautiful experience with all its colors, this material that is created, which sometimes undulates like a jellyfish, a beautiful show. The problem is that all my liquids become plasmaticized. I had to change the formulas of my home cosmetics and I told myself that I had to stop playing the sorcerer's apprentice. . If the gans are alive, I don’t want to inflict them the sad life of this dimension. Thus, I continued to work with my gans without producing others, except by necessity as this summer for deuterium and tritium.
-Cup of life: no transfer of taste with the orange
-Health: I stopped the statins against cholesterol and levothyrox against hypothyroidism.
Instead, I drink every morning at the survey, the water of the cup of life infused with PL tubes of propolis, lithotome, garlic, royal jelly, articular complex: the side effects caused by the drugs (eye disorders, joint and tendon pain, cramps ...) have become rare.
In addition, to avoid cramps we must drink a lot: I drink a Chinese soup and infusions composed of water from a pitcher of 1.7l with 3 gans + PL morenga, royal jelly and spirulina. I feel better.
On the other hand, problems of memory quite disabling have appeared
-Burn: Due to memory problems, I took a pot from the oven. I immediately sprayed Pl co2 several times in a row, the time to finish my culinary preparations, thinking to heal later with clay. It was useless, there was no trace, no pain, no tingling. There was my entire family, incredulous, who did not believe I was burned.
-Since there is plasma throughout the house, the atmosphere is much more serene in the house and in life in general.
-To salt the water of the productions of gans, I use the resurgences of salt created by the first gans.
-Nanocotage with NAOH:
Copper soaked in NAOH in closed jar, then in the sun = black in 2h in summer
-Kit of 50 small boxes in series: no production of energy, the water evaporated to make salt outside. And, flowing in a bottle, a cubic crystal appeared
- Kit of 25 small bowls in series with a magnet under each pot, there was no production of gans, nor energy. But this year moving the kit to hang on the wall, I noticed drops, they terribly bitter.
-Garden and indoor plants: installation of pl co2 pipes on the periphery and tubes ch3, cuo
In the indoor aquarium, in 2 water reserve, 2 bins serving as a fish bath and in a 1 m3 fish bath: tubes ch3, cuo, co2 and copper nano = clear water, few dirt
Year 2018
- Garden and indoor plants: lush vegetation, even for ferns installed in the north.
New installation with tubes ch3, cuo, co2 for tomatoes = after 25 years, 1st harvest of tomatoes, kiwi and grapes. The other seedlings were eaten by slugs.
Invasions of local cats, we had to closed the door
The reinforcing bars of 1 water recuperator were nanocotated with deuterium: a substance reacting with magnets. (I used this material for plasma connectors)

-Installation of a column of 1 MAGRAV / pearl system / formation star with gans: waiting connection because I did not understand the plan on the transistors, my husband ordered the parts and said that one of the elements is not manufactures more .
The star formation is composed of 2 "hubcaps" in copper nanotés with naoh then with the blowtorch. They went through beautiful colors. Afterwards, I regret having persisted in wanting absolute black. I think I should have stopped heating them when the silver / rainbow color was at its peak for one and golden / rainbow for the other. Note: I am more in search of aesthetics than energy gain.
- Horizontal installation of 2MAGRAV around Crobon reactor and formation star with gans above: ditto for hubcaps.
The Crobon reactor does not run, it is too heavy. Currently, I'm trying to rotate it with magnets.
In the high ball of the star formation, a rust matter developed from a hair
i am waiting for inspiration to put them on the road, I put my patches on them to reload them
I have weighed those installation several times, they never have the same weight.
-Batterie HS: new trial without result
- Plasma battery: no result, otherwise figures in constant motion
-car reactors: manufacture of 3 reactors, with 1 patch of CO2 in the plug glued to the fan, surrounded by a tube of co2 surrounded by nano wire. I forgot to note the content of the balls it seems that for cars it is pl ch3 + pl co2 + pl gasoline and for my classroom pl co2 / zn
Result by my husband 20% saving on diesel and on the gpl car
Year 2019
-Manufacture of a large central sun in high point with in the center a mini sun of ch3 :well-being with the installation
-On 4 mini sun with amethyst in the middle-:headache after installation
-On the DRC, 4 mini suns with a pink quartz: headache after installation accented with the intentions,
Installation of the suns with the intention of peace, love, joy, harmony, vitality, lucidity, truth, health: the suns turned / oscillated (visible on video), except the one hidden by the furniture.
They also danced with the music
Since the installation of suns, fatigue is important, but my nights almost all complete
-I made 6 other heartless mini sun for the garden. I'll install them when the conditions come up.
For this composition, the gans are of the same production but increasingly weak from the top to the bottom.

-KIT HEATING: in triangle co2, cuo, ch3 on the gables south and north of the house

Long production rhythm due to:
-periods of paralyzing fatigue as if the energy was working,
-i must seize the opportunity to be in good shape to work the plasma
-With my work in high school, production is reduced to holidays
To communicate with plasmas , I limit my intentions to the installation of the energies of peace, love, joy, harmony, vitality, lucidity, truth, health, success, humor. If the house is to heat up, it will be by the installation of harmony according to cosmic will, cosmic wisdom and cosmic love, as for Reiki. Note: I will add the energies of wellbeing and generosities.
Energy knows where it is going and what it needs to do. I do not feel like asking anything to my ego. In my opinion, the ego is a factor of imbalance, be it in the dark as in the light.

I thank Mr Kesh a thousand times for what he has offered. I don’t always agree against his view of humanity, and i ask me if he doesn’t test our capacity for discernment.
Congratulations and many thanks to all the French team of the Kesh Foundation including Giani and Geta, , you are wonderful with your good agreement, energy workshops, health, resonance, abstracts ....
Congratulations and a thousand thanks to Aviram and his team, the Laurentides site is a precious asset.


Results from my Gans
Bethany Johnson - Thu June 22nd Spain
Category: Various

As a student of four years with the Keshe Organisation I have learned from the Public teachings.
I began making Pain pens and then Gans. I made CO2 by obtaining Zinc from a metals scrap yard and Zinc from a Metals company. I sensed the copper needed to be nano-coated by fire and used my gas hob to do the nano-coating. I collected sea water from the Mediterranean. I then watched a video on Youtube and asked for guidance from a Distributor making his own Gans in the USA, because he spoke English! He helped me to understand exactly how to begin. I also had guidance from Rick C with reference to cleaning my Zinc. After quite a few weeks white powder formed at the bottom of the boxes.

I then discovered I had black mold spores in my blood stream from water invasion after heavy rains and decided to make CH3 in one of the boxes and placed rusty iron nails into the water. The white powder turned orange eventually. I washed the Gans some five weeks later in six washes using Distilled water as a Youtube video explained. To test I gave CO2 to a tree in my home and a couple of plants. They did not die but grew many lush leaves when normally during winter time hardly had any leaves at all. The tree continues to thrive and I then began to take 2 inches of CO2 morning and night and added 2 inches of CH3 into a pure cacao chocolate drink each day.
I am now making ZnO Zinc = Emotion and after no powder appearing suddenly a picture has appeared of what looks like a baby in a cocoon, ancient image seen in museums over the years. I now have some pictures but no facility here to show them. I would like someone to tell me if this is normal to have a picture show up in the ZnO Zinc gans ? Or should I just throw it away ? I nano-coated one piece of Zinc with fire although it seemed to weaken the Zinc and fine cracks began to appear whilst doing it. Any advice greatly appreciated.


Magrav for HEAT / COOLING
Zoltán Szabó - Tue February 21st Hungary
Category: Various

Magrav for HEAT / COOLING

I have three functional magrav positioned as follows:
Magrav coil NO.1: CW, 1.5mm2, 162/81 turns
Magrav No.1 distance of 4 m to Magrav Nr. 2
Magrav No.2 coil counterclockwise (CCW)1.5mm2, 144/81 turns
Magrav Nr2 distance of 4,5m of Magrav No.3
Magrav No.1 distance of 4.5 m Magrav No.3
Magrav No.3 144/81turns, 2,5mm2 CW
Magrav No.1 renewed and mounted 13 sept.2016
Magrav No.3 mounted 11 oct.2016
Magrav No.2 mounted three Dec. 2016
This morning (20 Feb. 2017), we stopped functioning wood-burning boiler, and started for central gas central metan. The digital thermometer from gas central is at a distance of about 10 meters from the room where the three magravs are positioned, and it was positioned 21 degrees Celsius. But after lunch I had to mute switch on the thermostat at 19 degrees, as in the room where is it positioned the magravs, wall thermometer shows 28 degrees !!!
Outside temperature 1 degree Celsius
Boiler(Gas central) started so only a couple of times throughout the day.
At 18 o'clock in the evening, the radiators were cold in the room where the thermometer indicates magravurile 28 degrees Celsius.
Until I went to bed at 23.30 Central n-started, the thermometer dropped to 25 degrees only.
I mention the fact that the house is built of bricks silicate, 196 sqm, is not insulated, no outside walls or attic, just as were exchanged windows on wood windows, after two years in the autumn were I GANS WATERED with GANS water CO2 + ZnO on the outside.
Last year about this time, in February-March, we had only two magravs made but positioned differently, closer, smaller distance between them one time the other counterclockwise and only my wife felt the heat sensation, just a single point when sat between the two magravs.
I had to open the door at a time that could not bear the heat of 28 degrees. For about 3:00 I sat with the door open, the door that gives the stairs that lead to the loft, well ventilated.
PRELIMINARY CONCLUSION: 3 magravuri positioned to close spaced (4m, respectively 4.5 - 4.5m) two of which produce heat zone counterclockwise one plasma interaction between them, three identical magravs positioned at some distance must produce COOL !! !


The Bees Love Plasma Water
Paul and Lynn Schmaltz - Wed February 08th Red Lodge, Montana
Category: Various

Bob and Helen in Florida got one of our plasma energy stations and here is how they are using the plasma water with their bees...

Here is what Bob has to say:
Putting station water in sugar water that the bees drink and before you used Miracle II Neutralizer. Now he has added the plasma water to it and charged the water overnight. In the morning after the water has charged he puts a tablespoon of Miracle II neutralizer (that is electrified and 1 to 2 TBS neutralizes acid reflux).

You can see the neutralizer and plasma water in a cloud of streamers. It’s ‘winter’ for Florida bees so even though it’s 80 degrees. A recent frost killed off all the pollen so they are feeding the ‘sugar’ water. Some people use corn syrup. Now the bees are in ‘full gear’ with the plasma water, sugar and miracle II. The sugar water is put in a 64 ounce mason jar with a lid with holes. They put it upside down and he has a 3 inch hole in the top of the hive. They go to the water dripping and ‘suck’ it out. It lasts 3 ½ to 4 days.

He thinks the queen will lay more. If the workers are happy the queen is happy. Bob learned about the miracle II neutralizer are losing 10 hives last year. Someone used this on hive beetles which lay their larvae with the bees and kill them. For almost 2 years he has had no mites in the beehives. For the last 6 or 7 months he has no hive beetles who burrow in the corners. So that helps.

Now since they added the plasma water to the water he uses for the bees with the neutralizer in the same amount and he sees even more improvement and the worker bees are all more busy, more active and bringing in pollen left and right. There has been a bloom since the freeze. They may be able to fly further since I’ve added the plasma water.

The following link explains the plasma energy station.


Lliquid plasma water does not freeze
Paul and Lynn Schmaltz - Sat February 04th Red Lodge, Montana
Category: Various

Liquid plasma water doesn’t freeze. We took photos on 2/2/17 on our unheated front porch in Montana when the temperature was minus 3 Fahrenheit. As the high temperature of the day.

We have treated socks, hats and gloves as described in the 156th Knowledge Seekers’ workshop. The vials have been on the porch for 2 months. One vial was filled with CO2 liquid plasma and the other was filled with CO2, CuO, and ZnO liquid plasma.

The main highway to Billings was closed today because of 3 to 5 drifts from blowing snow.
We have treated hats, gloves, winter scarves and socks with the liquid plasma for both of us.

Paul and Lynn Schmaltz


Pool Water Treatment
Lerden Evelyn - Thu December 15th Vienna, Austria
Category: Various


In the house is a reactor (PC fan) with aluminum gans and one with iodine + B12 and one with lead-gold gans in operation
In addition there are still 2 stars in the house.
In the garden is a star formation (in the dog hut because of the weather)

My pool:
Capacity 13 000 liters of water. At the beginning, 10 liters of copper water and 20 liters of Co2 salt gans water were added, and waited 4 days from the rinse with a sand filter system connected to the solar system for the pool. Then I found that the walls were slippery, so coming algae infestation, left half of the water again and watered my garden with it. And fresh water replenished, I did not fail to add multifunctional tablets into the water. There are 2 coated copper spirals in the basin 2 coated copper spirals on the ground and a glass bottle with Co2 gans water. There are 6 coated table tennis balls filled with Co2, Cuo2 ch3 gans water in the water and swim there. I must be surprised.

That as water does not smell of chlorine, the skin is wonderfully soft no white chlorine coating on the skin and you feel after the swimming pleasure as in a spa completely relaxed and at the same time totally refreshed.

In my tobacco can I give a CO2 and CUO2 Copper gans bottles with pure to neutralize the Unhealthy additives.

I've already built a lot and experimented and everything has worked. Thanks to Keshe and all the contributing to this technology, may it spread worldwide.


Gesundheit Heilung Natur Wasser Energie
Evelyn Lerden - Sun December 11th Wien Österreich
Category: Various

Update Erfahrungsbericht mit Gans Wien 11. 12. 2016
Meine Versuche der Keshe Technoligie begannen im Oktober 2015
Seither hat sich mein Leben komplett verändert.
Mein 19 Jahre altes Auto VW Polo SDI Family Baujahr 1997 verbraucht auf 100 km nur 4,5 l Diesel. Habe vollgetankt bin 100 km gefahren und dann wieder vollgetankt genau 4,5 l dann war der Tank wieder voll. Es sind 2 18 Windungsspulen gecoatet eine links gedreht und eine rechtsgedreht gefüllt mit CO2 und CUO Gans getränkt mit einem Schaumstoff in den Spulen an meiner Batterie, Co 2 Gans im Motoröl, 3 er Gans und Wolframcarbid Gans 20ml im Tank, ein Generator mit Plasma Kugel gefüllt mit CH3 und Bleigans und 2 Kondensatoren ( rechts und links gewickelt Anschluss am Ziggarettenanzünder , oberhalb beim Dach im gleichen Abstand 4 Glaskugeln gefüllt mit CH3, CUO2 , ZNCO2 und Gold Gans , in der Mitte befindet sich noch eine Bleigans Kugel.
In der Scheibenwischanlage ist Co2 Ganswasser drin.
Ich wasche mein Auto nur mit Liqud Plasma Wasser, es bleibt lange glänzend und es haftet viel weniger Schmutz daran.
Am Boden steht ein V2,1 Plasmagenerator
An der Autobatterie hängen zusätzlich noch 2 Glasphiolen mit gecoateter Kupferspirale 18 Windungen in Bleigans und CH3 Gans gefüllt. Der Motor läuft jetzt extrem leise und der Antrieb beim Wegfahren und Kuppeln besser als je zuvor er schnurrt wie ein Kätzchen
Ich trinke seit 8 Monaten CH3-C02-Zno-CUO2 plus Aminosäuren Ganswasser . Ich gebe zu gleichen Teilen CH3-C02-Zno-CUO2 Gans , Aminosäuren (10ml) in einen 1 L Glaskrug und fülle es mit Wasser (PH 8,5) auf, und trinke das obere Wasser. Ich bin dadurch emotional völlig ausgeglichen, schlafe jetzt hervorragend bin voller Energie und leide an keinen Rückenschmerzen mehrwelche ich nur nachts hatte. Ich platzierte 3 gecoatete Kupferlatten beschichtet mit Co2 ,CUo2 Ch3 Gans und laminierte sie. Sie kamen unter das Leintuch in Rücken Höhe. Ich schlafe auf einen Wasserpolster mit Ganswasser von Zno, Co2 . Meine 3 Chihuahua Hunde trinken dasselbe wie ich und wir haben kein richtiges Hungergefühl mehr ich esse nur mehr wegen des Geschmackes. Meine Hund fressen nur mehr ein Drittel oder manchmal die Hälfte von dem was sie früher fraßen. Meine Amy (Chihuahua) hat von Geburt an eine Luftröhrenverengung und wenn sie sich freut( emotionales Problem) hatte sie immer Atemschwierigkeiten und keuchte, seit sie das Ganswasser trinkt ist es nur mehr ganz selten das sie keucht. Ich verwende Liquid Plasmawasser ( verdünntes Ganswasser)überall da wo man wasser braucht.( Duschen, Haare waschen, kochen, Putzen usw..)
An meiner Wasserleitung im Haus habe ich eine kleine Nano gecoatete Kupferrohr in dem Rohr noch eine Nano gecoatete Spule mit 18 Windungen. Meine ganzen Wasserleitungen in meinem Haus haben einen PH Wert von 8,5 – 9,0.
Ein langjähriger Freund hat einen künstlichen Ausgang Er hat jetzt wieder-Normale Kreatinin Werte und braucht keine Infusionen mehr welche er zweimal täglich brauchte, da seine Nieren nur wenig Flüssigkeit verarbeitete. Ich gab ihn 3-er Gans gemischt 6ml(ZNCO2,CUO2,CH3) das er seit einigen Monaten in einen 1L Wasser in einen Glaskrug gibt wartet bis das Gans sich absetzt und dann nur mehr dieses Wasser trinkt.
Getrocknete Kräuter verlieren ihre Farbe nicht sie bleiben grün. Das Pflanzenwachstum war dieses Jahr doppelt so viel. Ich hatte im Oktober noch viele kleine grüne Kirschtomaten und auch grüne Salattomaten, ich nahm sie und stellte sie in mein Wohnzimmer, innerhalb von 2´- 3 Wochen waren alle Tomaten rot. Voriges Jahr 2015 im Herbst tat ich dasselbe da hatte ich noch keine Ahnung von Plasma und die Tomaten sind alle grün geblieben.
Das Regenwasser in meinem Garte n habe ich schon zwei Mal zu unterschiedlichen Tagen getestet,
es hat einen PH Wert von 7,5. Im Garten habe ich eine Starformation mit drei gecoateten Glas Kugeln gefüllt mit Ch3, ZNOCO2, CUO2 und Aminos laufen.
Im Haus ist ein Reaktor ( PC Lüfter) mit Aluminium Gans und einer mit Jod +B12 und einer mit Blei-Goldgans in Betrieb
Zusätzlich sind im Haus noch 2 Sternformationen in Betrieb.
Im Garten steht eine Sternformation ( in der Hundehütte wegen der Witterung)
Mein Pool
Fassungsvermögen 13 000l Wasser Gab am Anfang 10 l Kupfermeerganswasser und 20 Liter Co2 Meerganswasser dazu und wartete 4 Tage ab Umspülung mit einer Sandfilteranlage Solaranlage für das Pool dazwischen verbunden. Dann stellte ich fest dass die Wände glitschig waren also kommender Algenbefall, habe die Hälfte des Wassers wieder ausgelassen und meinen Garten damit gewässert. und Frisches Wasser aufgefüllt , ich kam nicht umhin Multifunktionstabletten in das Wasser dazuzugeben. Es hängen 2 gecoatete Kupferspiralen im Becken 2 gecoatete Kupferschwämme auf den Boden und eine Glasflasche mit Co2 Ganswasser. Es sind 6 gecoatete Tischtennisbälle gefüllt mit Co2, Cuo2 ch3- Ganswasser im Wasser und schwimmen dahin. Ich muss überrascht feststellen
Dass das Wasser nicht nach Chlor riecht, die Haut ist wunderbar weich keine weiße Chlorbeschichtung auf der Haut und man fühlt sich nach dem Schwimmvergnügen wie in einem Kurbad total entspannt und gleichzeitig total erfrischt
In meiner Tabakdose gebe ich ein CO2 und CUO2 Kupfergans Fläschchen mit rein zur Neutralisierung der ungesunden Zusatzstoffe.
Ich habe schon vieles gebaut und experimentiert und alles hat funktioniert.
Großen Dank an Keshe und all den mitwirkenden an dieser Technologie, möge es sich weltweit verbreiten.


Found the Keshe transcription web site to be absolutely wonderful!
pamela paddock - Fri December 09th KF Forum
Category: Various

Hi all!

I have found the Keshe transcription web site to be absolutely wonderful for harnessing the incredible information that gets shared therein.
Go to .

I bless the good Souls who have spent hours transcribing the hours and hours of the workshops so we can all benefit! Thank you so much, Transformacomm!

Anyway, download the transcript of interest (in PDF or rich text formats), and do a word search on your particular area of interest (for me "EMF shielding"). Oh my WORD. What a wealth of knowledge!

From "pamelapaddock" in Keshe Forum
