In the first 5 minutes after the start of the session, when he opened the microphones, I felt something very different and strong.
My eyes were half open and half closed, I couldn't open my eyes, and I saw my hands as if I were looking through frosted glass, my hand was translucent, and my consciousness just said wow wow... I kept thinking and asking myself internal questions, like what is the transmutation process like? I felt my body go weak. And then it was over.
I had other sensations, such as seeing lights, and my feet and hands felt numb. But nothing compared to that.
This session was very special and different, as it was the first time I had done it and I was working.
At first it was difficult for me to connect, due to the noise and my work, but after a few minutes, I began to notice that people were balancing themselves, with a reduction in noise and there was a moment when I stopped everything, closed my eyes and concentrated. At that point there was a pleasant silence, where I could really feel the fields. I wanted to connect my soul of man with my soul of physicality. That's when my whole body went numb, I couldn't feel my feet, my arms, my lips and the pressure in my back and neck increased and my head and torso started to fall slightly downwards, but I couldn't straighten up. I felt very good, remembering how it felt to be inside the womb (warmth, silence, peace). At that moment I heard Azar saying that she couldn't breathe, and that's when I woke up and opened my eyes again, but as it was abrupt, I felt slightly dizzy.
I started working again and felt very tired. But this cycle is what I could do at the moment, but when I reconnected, the pressure in the cervical region and posterior thorax came on and the damping. It felt like my body had already been conditioned to weaken its physicality. It was interesting to realize this and I can see that when we start transmuting, the process will be much quicker.
The second moment I connected was a journey into my body. It didn't take long, but it was beautiful to see how we are a universe and that we have to love everyone in our system, called the body, in order for there to be balance.
I went back into the room twice after the 4-hour session, but I couldn't connect like that again.
Another thing I noticed was the extreme tiredness throughout the day.
Közel 2 éve forrásvizet iszom ezzel megelőzve a gyakori vesekő képződst.Külőnféle plazmákkal körülvett vizeskancsóból iszom. Véletlenül megtapasztaltam hogy az egy éjszaka alatt féretett vizeletemben egy mágnesesnek tűnő felhőgombóc lebegett. Ha volt olyan nap hogy nem plasma vizet ittam akkorez nem fordult elő.Ebből volt is egy félreértés mert az ultrahangos vizsgálatnál kő gyanura gondolt az orvos, de ő nen tudta hogy én milyen vizet iszom.
I have been drinking spring water for nearly 2 years, thereby preventing the frequent formation of kidney stones. I drink it from a water jug surrounded by various plasmas. I accidentally experienced that a seemingly magnetic cloud ball was floating in my urine overnight. If there was a day when I didn't drink plasma water, it didn't happen. This led to a misunderstanding because the doctor thought it was a stone during the ultrasound examination, but he didn't know what kind of water I drank.
I set up a cup2 with slight over 5%salt, i let it sit in front of window where it took the evening light and topped up with the same salty water for few weeks Eventually the salts collected around the top edges of the cup I collected the salts and use it when needed. My wife gets infections it effects her lungs, and starts wheezing. when we see this we put one lentil size in a small glass and put filtered water and dissolve it and she drinks it once in the morning once evening, after 5 days she is fully recovered.
My experience having access to the Wellness Cabin was very pleasant and constructive. I stayed inside it for 20 minutes, the first time, experiencing different sensations on a physical level: muscle movements, release of tension or contracture in the abdomen. Closing my eyes I saw passages of purple / blue energy from the right temple to the left. This energy then became rarefied leaving room for some flashes of golden light in the frontal field.
The second session lasting 30 minutes, I relaxed in a deeper way, I felt tremors away from the arms from the shoulders towards the hands. Feelings of heat in some fingers, including an injured finger. A sensation of energy in the head with some slight internal twinges in correspondence of the right eye, as if to unravel a tension.
Still feeling of release of tension in the abdomen.
Specifically, I suffer from chronic migraines.
In the third session I was able to move an hour. During this time I felt an aid to relaxation, intense heat in my right arm. After some time I felt a thickening in my head that made me feel a headache beginning, at this point I went out for a moment, then I realized that I had to go back in and gently massage some points (indicatively of Chinese acupuncture) to help me to unravel the excess energy and everything is re-harmonized. The cabin gives rise to a feeling of 'care', invites you to listen to yourself, indicates critical points on which to help yourself to feel better.
The post-cabin was an injection of energy, strength and high mood for me.
Thank you .
La mia esperienza avendo accesso alla Cabina del benessere è stata molto piacevole e costruttiva. Sono rimasta al suo interno 20 minuti , la prima volta , sperimentando diverse sensazioni a livello fisico : sommovimenti muscolari , di rilascio tensione o contrattura a livello di addome . Chiudendo gli occhi ho visto passaggi di energia colore viola/blu dalla tempia destra verso sinistra . Questa energia si è b poi rarefatta lasciando spazio ad alcuni lampi di luce dorata nel campo frontale .
La seconda seduta della durata di 30 minuti , mi sono rilassata in modo più profondo, ho avvertito fremiti lungi le braccia dalle spalle verso le mani . Sensazioni di calore ad alcune dita , tra cui un dito infortunato. Un sensazione di energia alla testa con alcune fitte lievi interne in corrispondenza dell' occhio destro , come a dipanare una tensione.
Ancora sensazione di rilascio di tensione all'addome .
Specifico che soffro di emicrania cronica .
Nella terza seduta ho potuto spostare un' oretta . In questo tempo ho percepito un aiuto al rilassamento, calore intenso al braccio destro. Dopo un po' di tempo ho avvertito un addensamento alla testa che mi faceva percepire un principio di mal di testa , a questo punto sono uscita un attimo, poi ho realizzato che dovevo rientrare e massaggiare delicatamente alcuni punti ( indicativamente di agopuntura cinese) per aiutarmi a dipanare l'energia in eccesso e tutto si è riarmonizzato. La Cabina scaturisce una sensazione di 'cura ' , invita all'ascolto di sé, indica punti critici su cui aiutarsi per stare meglio .
Il dopo cabina per me è stato un ' iniezione di energia , forza e umore alto .
Grazie .
Sy memberi sebotol kecil air plasma kepada teman. Dia mengeluhkan tangan kiri yang sakit menahun tanpa alasan yg jelas. Bukan karena kolesterol, patah tulang atau apa. Semprot sekali dia merasa aliran udara seperti berputar di tangan yg sakit, semprot lagi dia merasa di ujung jari ada pusaran entah apa. Dan rasa sakit hilang begitu saja. Meninggalkan rasa segar.
Dia mencobakan juga pada pinggang suaminya yg sakit di suatu pagi. Hanya satu kali semprot. Hingga muncul pertanyaan air apa itu? Bagaimana bisa bekerja seperti itu?
Di hari lain ikan di kolam sepertinya sakit dan mulai berenang miring, saya teteskan 2 tetes gans di kolam, ikan langsung mendatangi tempat tetesannya. Begitu juga semut mendatangi bekas tetesn gans. Tetapi beson paginya saya temukan 3 ikan saya sudah mati semua.
"Sy gave a small bottle of plasma water to a friend. He complained about chronic pain in his left hand for no apparent reason. Not because of cholesterol, broken bones or anything. Spray once he felt a stream of air like spinning in the sore hand, spray again he felt at the fingertips there is a swirl of whatever. And the pain just goes away. Leaves a fresh taste.
She tried also on her husband's sore waist one morning. Just one spray. Until the question arises, what is water? How can it work like that?
On another day the fish in the pond seemed to be sick and started swimming sideways, I put 2 drops of gans in the pond, the fish went straight to the dropping place. Likewise, the ants come to the drop marks. But the next morning I found 3 of my fish were all dead."
End of December 2015 I wanted to cut a quince, some kind like a apple, but very hard.
Well, unfortunatly when I pushed the knife down, my thumb was in-between and I was cutting right into my thumb by a third. It was bleeding strongly and I just sprayed a little bit of the Co2 Ganswater over it and in about one Minute the bleeding was no more that much.
I putted a Ganspatch of the Co2 with a Ganspatch of the CuO2 together and wrapped it around my thumb, keeped it there the whole night. Next day the cut was nearly healed. I used a Painpen on specific points mayby for 10 minutes and putted only the Co2 Patch back.
Three days later it was fully healed and I hardly could see if there was ever a cut.
Peter Salocher