I was disgnosed with diabetes last year, and was given medformin, to use everyday. I used CO2/zinc patches in the diabetic protocol and started feeling real bad within days, went back to the doctors, She told me to stop the meds immediatly. I did and started to feel better right away!
I have also had an eye condition, called fuchs dystroyphy. This condition arises when a layer of cells within the cornia starts to die. This leads to glocoma and macular degeberation. There is also a lot of pain involved ie headaches and discomfort from the drops involved, but since I have been spraying the gans on my face, I have no more pain and a lot less itching, moreover I am hoping for reversal of my condition.
Sending Love and gratitude.
Steven Lee
I have made 2 metagans: 1 anti-inflammatory + 1 analgesic (medication-based) and filled 1 bracelet of each and worn on the wrist or in the wrist Pocket all day. No results in the day, but the next morning, 70% less pain and 90 to 95% (total) the day after tomorrow! Metagans with added AA personal! No side effects to note to date ... Almost miraculous for me ... in 2 days!
Suite problèmes dos réapparus (presque 1mois1/2 à disparaître la 1ère fois) j'ai fabriqué 2 métagans : 1 anti-inflammatoire + 1 antalgique (à base de médicaments) et en ai rempli 1 bracelet de chaque et portés au poignet ou dans la poche toute la journée. Pas de résultat dans la journée, mais le lendemain matin, 70 % de douleurs en moins et 90 à 95 % (au total) le surlendemain ! Metagans avec ajout d’ AA perso ! Pas d'effet secondaire à noter à ce jour...Presque miraculeux pour moi…en 2 jours !
"The pain pad has been a constant companion recently.
The other night I was in high end vibratory pain (my body was in extreme pain and vibrating) and I suddenly remembered, ahhh the pain pad, and within 20 minutes the pain was dulled and went away and I was able to fall asleep. To bad it wasn't more flexible so I could wrap it around wherever the pain was focused i.e. arm, leg, knee etc. This is constructive criticism and may be helpful to the architects.
Anyhow it is my salvation and many thanks for that."
Bob and Helen in Florida got one of our plasma energy stations and here is how they are using the plasma water with their bees...
Here is what Bob has to say:
Putting station water in sugar water that the bees drink and before you used Miracle II Neutralizer. Now he has added the plasma water to it and charged the water overnight. In the morning after the water has charged he puts a tablespoon of Miracle II neutralizer (that is electrified and 1 to 2 TBS neutralizes acid reflux).
You can see the neutralizer and plasma water in a cloud of streamers. It’s ‘winter’ for Florida bees so even though it’s 80 degrees. A recent frost killed off all the pollen so they are feeding the ‘sugar’ water. Some people use corn syrup. Now the bees are in ‘full gear’ with the plasma water, sugar and miracle II. The sugar water is put in a 64 ounce mason jar with a lid with holes. They put it upside down and he has a 3 inch hole in the top of the hive. They go to the water dripping and ‘suck’ it out. It lasts 3 ½ to 4 days.
He thinks the queen will lay more. If the workers are happy the queen is happy. Bob learned about the miracle II neutralizer are losing 10 hives last year. Someone used this on hive beetles which lay their larvae with the bees and kill them. For almost 2 years he has had no mites in the beehives. For the last 6 or 7 months he has no hive beetles who burrow in the corners. So that helps.
Now since they added the plasma water to the water he uses for the bees with the neutralizer in the same amount and he sees even more improvement and the worker bees are all more busy, more active and bringing in pollen left and right. There has been a bloom since the freeze. They may be able to fly further since I’ve added the plasma water.
The following link explains the plasma energy station. https://youtu.be/A0uYOgInTow
Hello, first of all I would like to thank Mr Keshe and all the members of the foundation.
I manufactured a care pen because I have a horizontal crack of the meniscus of my right knee that made me suffer greatly. Besides, I had to be operated for it because according to sports physician specialists the pain could not be resorbed so they had to oblige them to remove a part of the meniscus.
After my first pen session of 15 mn I could bend my knee while it was impossible for me so much the pain was strong. Today after a few more pain pains just a slight gene that returns may be a month per month I then pass the pens 5 minutes and then the gene goes away.
So I decided to treat my entourage with I disappeared back pain, sciatica, a sprain, a painful shoulder, headaches, relieved a burn of the palate. So I made many pens and distilled them around me, my friend's father with the presence of the permanent pen with him managed to bring his rate of diabetes back to normal It was 30 years that he had a very high rate of diabetes.
But the most extraordinary experience has happened recently, a friend suddenly and without a facial palsy on the right side; He was hospitalized urgently, after heart exams and brain scanning he let him stand out because his days were not threatened, they gave him rdv with a neurologist 10 days later. Upon leaving the hospital I gave him patches co2 ZnO cuo and CH3 and well he recovered all of his facial muscles in ten days. The stupor was for the neurologist who told him that this paralysis is due to a virus and that it took at least 1 month to heal and that in general it took 6 months .
Voila for my testimony
Hamri Sofyen
(in French)
Bonjour, avant tout je tiens a remercier Mr Keshe et tous les membres de la fondation. J'ai fabriqué un stylo de soin car j'ai une fissure horizontale du menisque de mon genou droit qui me faisait énormément souffrir. D'ailleurs je devait me faire opérer pour cela car selon les spécialistes medecin du sport la douleur ne pouvait se resorber donc il fallait obligatoirement selon eux m'enlever une partie du menisque. Après ma première séance de stylo de 15 mn je pouvais fléchir mon genou alors que cela m'était impossible tant la douleur était forte. Aujourd'hui après quelques séances plus de douleurs juste une légère gene qui revient peut etre une ois par mois je passe alors le stylos 5 mn e tpuis la gene s'en va. j'ai donc décidé de traiter mon entourage avec j' ai fait disparaître des maux de dos , des sciatiques, une entorse, une épaule douloureuse, des maux de tetes, soulagé une brulure du palais. J'ai donc confectionnés de nombreux stylos et les ai distibués autours de moi, le pere de mon ami avec la présence du stylo permanente avec lui a réussi a ramener son taux de diabète a la normale cela faisait pourtant 30 ans qu'il avait un taux de diabéte très élevé. Mais l'expérience la plus extraordinaire s'est passé récemment , un ami a eu soudainement et sans prévenir une paralysie faciale du coté droit; Il a été hospitalisé en urgence, après examens du cœur et scanner du cerveau il l'ont laisser ressortir car ses jours n'était pas menacé, ils lui on donné rdv avec un neurologue 10 jours plus tard. A sa sortie de l'hôpital je lui ai donné des patchs co2 ZnO cuo et CH3 et bien il a récupérer la totalité de ses muscles faciaux en une dizaine de jours. La stupéfaction a été pour le neurologue qui lui a dit que cette paralysie est due a un virus et qu'il fallait au minimum 1 mois pour guérir et qu'en général cela prenait 6 mois. voila pour mon témoignage
Hamri Sofyen
I suffer from chronic lower back pain because my L4-L5 vertebrae have been welded for many years, which also occasionally causes a blockage of my sciatic nerve.
For a few months, when I get up from my ankylosis bed, I wear the Pain Pad belt about 30 minutes. This is enough to clear my lumbar pains all day. Since then, I no longer feel my sciatic nerve.
I would like to thank Mr. KESHE for introducing me to these new technologies.
Raymonde Schneider
Liquid plasma water doesn’t freeze. We took photos on 2/2/17 on our unheated front porch in Montana when the temperature was minus 3 Fahrenheit. As the high temperature of the day.
We have treated socks, hats and gloves as described in the 156th Knowledge Seekers’ workshop. The vials have been on the porch for 2 months. One vial was filled with CO2 liquid plasma and the other was filled with CO2, CuO, and ZnO liquid plasma.
The main highway to Billings was closed today because of 3 to 5 drifts from blowing snow.
We have treated hats, gloves, winter scarves and socks with the liquid plasma for both of us.
Paul and Lynn Schmaltz
My index finger on my right hand jumps from the keyboard back to the you tube videos when I am typing the notes of the workshops. It complains at times...I do wear my plasma water treated gloves for typing and a 'finger splint' with the right combination of gans...it definitely helps! I have these liquid plasma treated gloves and then some thinner cotton gloves. I can type better in these since I cut the finger tips off the gloves. They look a little worn from typing so many miles across the keyboard but the fingers and hands appreciate them! If I’ve done a lot of typing during the day I have gloves I can wear with all the fingers intact when I sleep. They don’t look quite so ratty because they don’t have as much work to do!
Paul and Lynn Schmaltz
Estudio Ciencia Cósmica en base al Yoga, podemos compartir valiosa información, dado que he estudiado vuestro materia que en medida tratan de lo mismo.
"I study Cosmic Science based on Yoga, we can share valuable information, since I have studied your subject that in measure deal with the same thing."
Ivan Ugidos
Hello Everybody and Mr Keshe!
I'll try in English Language ( ;-) )
I smoked 15 to 20 cigarettes / day.
One year ago (Februray 2016) I was able to stop smoking after a disease (flu) which prevented me to take a cigarette.
After that I continued the process, with the help of the cup of life (the first version I known; only with nanocoated coils)
When I was thinking to smoke, I breathed in the cup and when I had the urge to smoke, I drunk.
The most amazing thing in the testimonial was that the process was very, very, very, very,.......EASY!!!!
Thank you very much Mr Keshe for all the gifts to human community!